Tech company SARB has won a stay of orders barring it from selling its sensor-based system which the city of Melbourne uses for timing parked vehicles, after a judge found it infringed rival Vehicle Management Systems’ patent.
Care A2 Plus should be given leave to appeal a ruling over an overlapping US case by former business partner Gensco so that it can file a challenge in the High Court if need be, a court has heard.
Monash Health has won its challenge to a decision finding it wrongfully dismissed a librarian in a ‘sham’ redundancy.
A self-represented applicant is challenging the permanent stay of his competition class action against Google and Meta over the digital companies’ decision to ban cryptocurrency ads.
The High Court has granted special leave to farmers in a class action against Advanta Seeds over allegedly contaminated product to challenge a court’s finding that a disclaimer nullified the company’s duty to protect growers against economic loss.
The owner of a car parking patent has appealed a judgment that tossed its patent infringement claims and found it made unjustified litigation threats against car parking technology company Ubipark.
With bated breath class action litigators and funders have waited for this day, when the Full Federal Court decides the question of power to make common fund orders at settlement. They aren’t the final arbiters, but the judges’ ruling may be no less important for that.
Two former Dick Smith executives have settled with the receivers of the defunct electronics retailer, dropping a High Court appeal over an $11.8 million ruling.
Former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has been ordered pay $910,000 in security for costs as he appeals a defamation ruling that found he committed murder in Afghanistan and was not a reliable witness.
A class action against a director of defunct financial services firm Hodgson Faraday is headed to the High Court after seven years of litigation, with the director appealing findings that he was involved in misleading South Korean investors.