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Kupang Resources takes battle for director’s tax docs to High Court
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-07-22 2:26 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mining company Kupang Resources has asked the High Court to weigh in on its bid for tax office documents as it litigates to recoup millions of dollars allegedly embezzled by the company’s former shadow director.

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Uber appeals ‘overbroad’ ruling in fight over privileged documents
Class Actions 2022-07-18 5:03 pm By Sam Matthews

Uber is challenging a ruling that found many email exchanges with its lawyers were made in furtherance of offences and were not protected by legal professional privilege, saying it would be forced to hand over to a class action “bog standard” legal advice.

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Lawyer who acted for both sides in employment case loses appeal of misconduct finding
Legal Ethics 2022-07-14 2:37 pm By Sam Matthews

A court has rejected an appeal by a lawyer who acted for both sides in an employment dispute between a company and its former managing director and advised the director to “take and park” over $370,000 from the company account as leverage.

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Ex-Norton Rose manager appeals loss in bullying case
Appeals 2022-07-08 11:05 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A former Norton Rose Fulbright digital marketing manager is trying to revive her allegations that the firm fired her after she complained of bullying and sex discrimination by her supervisor.

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Biggin & Scott infringed copyright by copying source code, Full Court finds
Appeals 2022-07-07 4:52 pm By Christine Caulfield

Real estate marketing platform Campaigntrack has won an appeal of a ruling in an important copyright case over its cloud-based software that accused real estate agency group Biggin & Scott of authorising reproduction of the software’s source code.

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Christian Porter reps Mick Gatto in High Court appeal of ABC victory
Appeals 2022-07-06 11:48 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Former attorney-general Christian Porter has joined the legal team of underworld figure Mick Gatto in his High Court bid to revive defamation claims against the ABC over an article he said accused him of threatening to kill gangland lawyer Nicola Gobbo.

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Lawyer’s muffin eating was irrelevant to personal costs order, appeals court says
Appeals 2022-06-29 5:02 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has ruled that a judge was not justified in slapping two lawyers with personal costs, finding she should not have considered alleged poor conduct such as one of the lawyers eating a muffin while appearing during a remote hearing.

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ASIC triumphs in appeal against payday lenders Cigno, BHF
Appeals 2022-06-28 11:36 am By Sam Matthews

ASIC has won an appeal of a judge’s decision that found Gold Coast-based payday lenders Cigno and BHF did not need a licence to issue loans to hundreds of thousands of consumers.

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‘Where are our rights?’: ASIC wants to be heard in privilege row over PwC report
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-06-27 2:57 pm By Sam Matthews

ASIC has renewed its bid to see a PricewaterhouseCoopers report commissioned by TerraCom in order to defend the coal mining company’s appeal of a judgment that found the regulator could view the report because of public statements made by the company.

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Law firm fends off appeal in spat with ex-client over $24.5M development
Professional Negligence 2022-06-27 11:21 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rigby Cooke has prevailed in an appeal by a former client that challenged a ruling for the law firm over a $24.5 million East Melbourne development.

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