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High Court won’t weigh in on abandoned $185M NSW development
Construction 2024-12-06 11:07 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has declined a request by Shinetec for it to weigh in a dispute over an abandoned $185 million development in Gosford, NSW.

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High Court asked to restore win for Bed Bath N’ Table in fight with Bed & Bath
Intellectual Property 2024-12-04 11:08 pm By Andy Sidler

Home retailer Bed Bath Nā€™ Table has asked the High Court to reverse a Full Court judgment that found retailer House did not engage in misleading and deceptive conduct in setting up its Bed & Bath stores.

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High Court asked to decide when a judge’s copying and pasting crosses a line
Courts 2024-11-29 11:22 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court has been asked to weigh in on when a judge’s copying and pasting from submissions in a judgment crosses a line, a critical issue given the “systemic issues of resourcing” in Australian courts.

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NSW Police canā€™t appeal ruling on names in strip search class action
Appeals 2024-11-29 11:34 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW government can’t appeal a decision that denied its bid to subpoena the names of 2,316 registered group members in a class action over allegedly unlawful strip searches at music festivals.Ā 

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Bayer launches High Court appeal to revive Xarelto patents
High Court 2024-11-28 5:09 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Bayer has filed a High Court challenge to a decision that invalidated its patents for blockbuster blood thinner Xarelto, saying it would adversely affect drug research and development.

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Angus & Julia Stone’s claims against management company sent to UK
Entertainment 2024-11-25 11:24 pm By Andy Sidler

An appeals court has found that a claim by indie duo Angus & Julia Stone alleging their former talent management company owes $2.8 million in overcharges should proceed in a UK court.

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US has immunity from Darwin-based soldier’s personal injury suit: court
Appeals 2024-11-22 11:55 pm By Christine Caulfield

The United States has won an appeal in a Darwin-based soldierā€™s personal injury suit, with the Northern Territory Court of Appeal finidng the US has foreign state immunity from the claims.

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Ultimate Fighting Championship gym exec not on the hook for $5M judgment
Franchises 2024-11-21 11:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Full Court has found an executive at the company behind the Ultimate Fighting Championship gym franchise should not be on the hook for a $5 million judgment awarded to three franchisees.

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Wealth guru Dominique Grubisa pleads ignorance in appeal of $6M penalty
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-11-20 11:25 pm By Andy Sidler

On appeal of a $6 million judgment for misleading statements, Dominique Grubisa and her wealth education company DG Institute have argued her advice was based on faulty knowledge, not ill intentions.Ā 

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Zoetis loses appeal over pig vaccine patents
Intellectual Property 2024-11-20 11:16 pm By Sam Matthews

US animal drug manufacturer Zoetis has lost its challenge a ruling that chucked out three of its patents for a single-dose vaccine to protect pigs from enzootic pneumonia.

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