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‘Sydney’s most controversial burger restaurant’ loses appeal in trade mark beef with In-N-Out
Intellectual Property 2021-01-14 1:46 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The Full Federal Court has upheld an appeal by In-N-Out Burgers against Sydney-based Hashtag Burgers, finding that its two sole directors were also liable for trademark infringement and passing off in owning and operating their ‘DOWN-N-OUT’ burger restaurants.

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University of Sydney lecturer sacked over swastika launches appeal
Appeals 2021-01-14 10:18 am By Cat Fredenburgh

A former University of Sydney lecturer has appealed a ruling dismissing the lawsuit he brought against the university after he was fired for a seminar slide that imposed the Nazi swastika on the Israeli flag and which was later posed on social media.

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Unions take JobKeeper fight with Qantas to High Court
Employment 2021-01-13 4:46 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Three unions representing Qantas workers have asked the High Court for special leave to appeal a  ruling from the Full Federal Court siding with the airline in a dispute over the operation of the JobKeeper wage subsidy.

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No rest for deep sleep therapy defamation case after appeal filed
Appeals 2021-01-11 3:13 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two psychiatrists at the heart of the Chelmsford deep sleep therapy scandal have launched an appeal of a decision dismissing their defamation case against HarperCollins as an attempt to “rewrite history” regarding the harm done to those receiving the controversial treatment.

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Unions take sick leave case for stood-down Qantas workers to High Court
Appeals 2020-12-23 4:10 pm By Christine Caulfield

Unions for 20,000 Qantas workers on stand-down orders amid the coronavirus pandemic have asked the High Court to overturn a ruling that they are not entitled to access paid sick or compassionate leave.

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Full Court throws out Aldi’s misleading conduct case against union
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-12-22 6:43 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The Full Federal Court has upheld the dismissal of grocery store Aldi’s lawsuit claiming that the Transport Workers Union engaged in misleading conduct by representing that it was responsible for road deaths and put “unsafe” pressure on truck drivers.

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J&J ordered to pay $40M in pelvic mesh class action costs as stay bid tossed by court
Product Liability 2020-12-21 1:03 pm By Christine Caulfield

A unit of Johnson & Johnson has been ordered to pay around $40 million in legal costs to the lead applicants in a class action over pelvic mesh implants after a judge dismissed the company’s bid to stay the costs until after a high profile appeal is heard next year.

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Maurice Blackburn did not breach obligations in TWE class action, Full Court finds
Appeals 2020-12-17 4:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Federal Court has tossed an appeal by Treasury Wine Estates claiming that Maurice Blackburn and barrister Guy Donnellan breached their obligations in preparing the pleadings in a current shareholder class action against the global winemaker.

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BHP appeals ruling allowing foreign group members in shareholder class action
Appeals 2020-12-14 4:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

BHP Group Ltd has appealed a ruling allowing foreign group members to be part of a shareholder class action against the mining giant over the Fundao dam failure in Brazil five years ago.

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Spotless on the hook for redundancy entitlements after High Court declines special leave
High Court 2020-12-11 2:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court will not hear cleaning services giant Spotless Group’s challenge to a ruling that found it must pay redundancy entitlements to a group of workers it sacked.

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