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IAG may face follow-on class action over ‘loyalty discounts’
Class Actions 2023-08-31 2:33 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two units of insurer IAG are facing possible class actions that mirror claims in proceedings brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission last week that accuse the insurer of misleading home owners insurance customers about loyalty discounts.

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ACCC flags concerns with Coles acquisition of Saputo dairy plants
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-07-20 12:30 pm By Gareth Baker

The ACCC has raised concerns about Coles plans to acquire milk processing plants from Saputo, with the regulator saying the transaction — marking the first time a supermarket chain has ventured into the processing market — would be a “major structural change”.

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Medibank’s capital requirement lifted to $250M after data breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2023-06-27 2:53 pm By Gareth Baker

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has raised Medibank’s capital adequacy requirement by $250 million, following last year’s cyber attack against the private health insurer, which exposed the personal details of 10 million customers. 

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Crown backpays $1.2M to employees wrongly classified as award-free
Employment 2023-06-23 4:36 pm By Gareth Baker

Casino operator Crown Resorts has agreed to backpay employees more than $1.2 million, after the company notified the Fair Work Ombudsman that it had underpaid workers at its Melbourne and Perth locations for almost six years. 

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CBA hit with $3.55M penalty for ‘alarming’ spam breaches
CBA 2023-06-07 4:58 pm By Gareth Baker

Commonwealth Bank of Australia has copped a record $3.55 million penalty for breaching spam laws after it sent more than 65 million emails without an easy way for individuals to unsubscribe.

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Tradie platform Hipages admits using ‘subscription traps’
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-30 11:05 pm By Gareth Baker

Online home improvement platform Hipages has admitted that it likely engaged in misleading or deceptive conduct by failing to disclose contract terms that allowed it to automatically renew subscriptions and charge early termination fees.

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PwC puts 9 partners on leave, ringfences government work
Tax 2023-05-29 4:06 pm By Sam Matthews

PricewaterhouseCoopers will put nine partners on leave and ringfence its government work in the wake of a tax policy leak scandal for which the embattled firm’s acting chief has issued an apology.

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CSIRO mulls lawsuit over gut-friendly wheat patent
Intellectual Property 2023-05-23 10:35 pm By Sam Matthews

CSIRO has won its bid to access samples of a wheat grain product with increased fibre, as it contemplates a possible patent infringement lawsuit against a South Australian food company.

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Nine’s A Current Affair broke privacy rules in airing neighbour dispute, ACMA finds
Media 2023-05-18 11:36 pm By Gareth Baker

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has found Channel Nine breached privacy rules in a story on A Current Affair about a violent dispute between neighbours in regional New South Wales that went viral on YouTube.

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ASIC investigates Nuix boss over $236,000 share purchase
ASIC 2023-05-17 4:02 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has launched an investigation into whether Nuix’s current Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Rubinsztein unlawfully bought shares in the company after learning about a potential takeover offer.

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