Private equity firm Alceon and a vendor have been hit with $3 million damages over the misleading sale of a Queensland shopping centre for $55 million.
A judge has expressed her unhappiness with the “cavalier approach to court orders” by lawyers for an employee in a workplace dispute with Insightsoftware.
A judge has awarded Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich $140,000 in his defamation case against former NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham over a homophobic tweet found likely to cause “serious harm” to his reputation.
A judge has ruled that two Deloitte partners can act as administrators for embattled wealth manager Keystone, replacing two voluntary administrators from KordaMentha, despite an alleged risk of conflict due to past work for the company.
A Melbourne solicitor has been fined for applying for compensation on behalf of twenty clients from the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal for the installation of CCTV systems by a company which she had an interest in.
Consulting giant Accenture has failed to keep a human resources executive’s claims of Fair Work breaches out of the public eye, with a court finding prior publication of the allegations would render a suppression order pointless.
The Pakistani government’s opposition to India’s attempt to register a composite ‘Basmati’ trade mark will go on despite filing delays, with a delegate finding it was in the public interest to allow the opposition.
The Kingdom of Spain must pay $56,000 in security to bring its challenge in a long-running dispute over whether it must pay a $200 million arbitral award to two renewable energy investors.
A judge has found ASX-traded mining equipment manufacturer Austin Engineering can use documents disclosed in its case against rival Schlam over a former employee’s alleged leak of confidential business information to expand its claims.
The Australian Pacific Investment Corporation has scored a win a dispute with Vasco Trustees over a managed investment scheme at the Yarra Valley Lodge hotel, with a judge finding that ‘evergreen’ licensing agreements are invalid.