A law firm that was replaced after feuding with its funder in a successful class action over Sydney’s light rail construction has lost a bid to keep $1.25 million in security for costs, after claiming it has a right to the money due to unpaid fees.
A judge has found Carnival PLC liable for failing to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak aboard the Ruby Princess cruise ship that left 28 people dead, but only awarded the lead applicant $4,000 for out-of-pocket expenses rather than the $360,000 in damages she sought.
A judge has blocked ASIC from running a new case seeking penalties against investment group M101 Nominees and founder James Mawhinney on remittal from the Full Court, after the regulator admitted it made errors at its initial trial.
A judge has dismissed court proceedings brought by the corporate regulator against superannuation trustee Diversa over its alleged failure to oversee a now-banned financial adviser, ruling that the knowledge of downstream entities could not be attributed to Diversa.
Monsanto can’t throw out the evidence of an expert for the plaintiff in a class action over its Roundup product who has testified that the company engaged in criminal conduct in trying to bury scientific reports on the popular weed killer’s alleged cancer-causing properties.
The judge overseeing ex-commando Heston Russell’s defamation case against the ABC over reporting of alleged war crimes will be involved in assessing his costs after media reports put his lawyers’ fees at $2 million.
Air conditioning giant Seeley has won its bid to remove rival Infinair’s trade mark after an IP Australia delegate found the Chinese company had not sold any products under the name.
PricewaterhouseCoopers’ former head of international tax Peter-John Collins has been banned by the corporate regulator from providing financial services for eight years.
Vittoria’s Cantarella Bros has lost its long-running trade mark stoush with Italian rival Lavazza after a judge found the coffee manufacturer’s two registered ‘Oro’ marks should be cancelled because the word was previously used by another coffee supplier.
Dutch paint company Akzo Nobel has lost its bid to transfer a case over the $45 billion Ichthys natural gas project to state court in Western Australia, with a judge finding the overlap with insurance-related proceedings in the state court was tolerable.