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Full Court deals drug companies a blow on patent term extensions
Intellectual Property 2022-03-18 10:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Court has upheld two judgments that shortened patent term extensions granted to Merck Sharpe & Dohme and Ono Pharmaceuticals, finding the extension regime cannot be construed as achieving a “commercial outcome for a patentee”.

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Climate change appeal decision: End of the road for novel duty of care?
Expert Insights 2022-03-18 2:11 pm By Editor

The Full Federal Court was emphatic in its decision that the environment minister does not owe a duty of care to Australian children to shield them from climate change harm, but there is no doubt the law will be put to the test again soon, says Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s Louise Camenzuli, Julia Green and Max Newman.

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Fitness chain F45 tries to revive patents for computerised workout system
Intellectual Property 2022-03-16 5:29 pm By Sam Matthews

National fitness chain F45 has appealed a court decision revoking two of its patents for a computer-run trainer workout system, arguing its system constituted a technological innovation in the field of fitness studio franchising which rival Body Fit has profited from.

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No duty of care owed to kids by environment minister, Full Court rules
Environment 2022-03-15 10:45 am By Christine Caulfield

The Full Federal Court has overturned a historic judgment that found the federal minister for the environment owed a duty of care to Australians under 18 to protect them from ‘catastrophic’ harm caused by the approval of the Vickery coal mine expansion.

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John Ibrahim’s son appeals defamation loss over Sunday Telegraph article
Defamation 2022-03-15 7:08 pm By Sam Matthews

The son of infamous Kings Cross personality John Ibrahim is challenging a recent judgment clearing publisher Nationwide News and reporter Brenden Hills of defamation over a “sensationalist and voyeuristic” Sunday Telegraph story.

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Worley shareholders win appeals court battle to revive class action
Breaking News 2022-03-11 2:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

An appeals court has sided with shareholders in their challenge to a ruling tossing a class action against engineering services company Worley, which was found to have had reasonable grounds for issuing overly rosy earnings guidance eight years ago.

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High Court to weigh in on patentability of computer-implemented inventions
High Court 2022-03-10 11:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has decided to weigh in on whether computer-implemented inventions are eligible for patent protection, granting special leave to Aristocrat Technologies to challenge a judgment that shot down four patents for its popular Lightning Link electronic poker machine.

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Court won’t let class action parties pay for judge to travel for Sydney trial
Class Actions 2022-03-10 3:41 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Federal Court won’t permit a Melbourne-based judge to travel to Sydney on the dime of the parties in a class action against wealth management group Colonial First State, but will foot the bill itself.

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High Court finds Sandoz infringed Lundbeck’s Lexapro patent
High Court 2022-03-09 4:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court has found that Novartis unit Sandoz infringed Danish drug company Lundbeck’s patent for its blockbuster antidepressant Lexapro, but has overturned a ruling that found the generic drug maker owes $26.3 million in damages.

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HWL Ebsworth says missing clause couldn’t have led to client’s $130M loss
Professional Negligence 2022-03-08 9:09 pm By Bianca Hrovat

HWL Ebsworth has told a judge the law firm’s omission of a mutual debt liability clause in a joint venture contract could not have led former client Dairycorp to lose a $130 million opportunity to develop land northwest of Sydney.

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