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It’s the vibe of the thing: all eyes on constitutional challenge to common fund orders
Analysis 2019-02-01 11:16 pm By Christine Caulfield

An unprecedented joint-sitting of two appeals courts will this week hear a constitutional challenge to the power of judges to make so-called common fund orders, a challenge that could have significant ramifications for class actions even if they don’t fall foul of the ‘vibe of the thing’.

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Maurice Blackburn slings mud at ‘less experienced’ firm in BHP class action battle
Class Actions 2019-02-01 5:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Maurice Blackburn has criticised a judge’s decision to award carriage of a massive shareholder class action against BHP over the fatal collapse of a dam at its Brazilian mine to “less experienced” firm Phi Finney McDonald, lodging what is now the second high-stakes challenge to a ruling permanently staying a competing class action.

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GetSwift to contest High Court special leave bid
Appeals 2019-01-31 11:17 pm By Christine Caulfield

Logistics startup GetSwift has confirmed it will fight an appeal to the High Court by law firm Squire Patton Boggs challenging a landmark ruling that permanently stayed two of three competing shareholder class actions against the company.

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AIG appeals ruling in Kaboko Mining D&O coverage dispute
Insurance 2019-01-30 3:43 pm By Christine Caulfield

AIG Australia has appealed a decision that found it’s liable for covering four former directors being sued by collapsed Kaboko Mining after a failure to repay a US$5.95 million loan allegedly led to the company’s insolvency.

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High Court strikes down laws that slashed union political spending in NSW
Appeals 2019-01-29 10:29 pm By Christine Caulfield

Laws that cut in half the amount of money third parties can spend on election campaigns in NSW are invalid, the High Court of Australia ruled Tuesday, in a major win for unions and the Labor party ahead of the state election in March.

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ATO wins appeal in $82M tax spat with BHP over Singapore marketing hub
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-01-29 8:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Taxation Office has successfully appealed an Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision in favour of BHP Billiton, leaving the mining giant with a hefty $82 million tax bill over its Singapore marketing hub.

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Aerocare loses appeal of split shifts ruling
Employment 2019-01-25 4:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

Aviation services company Aerocare has lost its appeal of a Fair Work Commission decision that shot down an enterprise agreement forcing employees to work split shifts.

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Judge was wrong to halt cross-examination in Octaviar class action, court hears
Class Actions 2019-01-17 9:00 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge that dismissed an investor class action against the Public Trustee of Queensland over the failure of investment firm Octaviar Group improperly intervened in the cross-examination of one of the class’ witnesses, one of the judges that will hear an appeal of the dismissal was told.

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Full Court puts injector pen patent appeal on fast track
Intellectual Property 2019-01-17 2:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Full Federal Court has expedited an appeal filed Christmas Eve by Sanofi-Aventis of a ruling that denied its bid to block Alphapharm from listing an insulin injector pen on the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme.

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ASIC asks High Court to clarify meaning of ‘officer’
Corporate 2019-01-16 9:58 pm By Miklos Bolza

ASIC is seeking approval from the High Court to appeal a judgment that let a former director of Gold Coast finance company MFS Group partially off the hook for $147.5 million in misappropriated funds, saying the High Court needs to clarify the scope of the word “officer” under the Corporations Act.

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