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ANZ says bailout by underwriters of $2.5B share placement not relevant to ASX
Securities 2024-05-23 11:41 pm By Sam Matthews

Challenging a ruling that it breached its continuous disclosure obligations, ANZ has argued on appeal that it did not need to inform the ASX of a bailout by the underwriters of a 2015 institutional share placement because the information didn’t go to the fundamental value of its shares.

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Law firm claims right of appeal against $1M cut to fees in Aveo class action
Class Actions 2024-05-23 3:32 pm By Christine Caulfield

Seeking leave to challenge a decision that shaved $1.14 million from its costs in running a class action against Aveo, Levitt Robinson has argued the firm would have enjoyed a right of appeal if it had been joined to the case as it ought to have been.

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ToolGen wins court approval to patent gene editing technology
Intellectual Property 2024-05-23 11:56 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

South Korean biotech ToolGen has won court approval to patent its genome editing technology CRISPR, after an earlier bid to protect its IP found the revolutionary technology was not patentable.

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ANZ, ex-money markets head settle case alleging sacking after complaints
Employment 2024-05-23 3:59 pm By Christine Caulfield

ANZ has resolved a case brought by the bank’s former head of money markets, who claims he was fired for making complaints about sexual harassment by senior managers and false reporting to APRA.

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Optus taken to court by ACMA over massive data breach
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2024-05-22 11:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has brought proceedings against Optus over a September 2022 data breach that comprised the data of up to 10 million customers, the first lawsuit filed by a regulator following a string of major cyberattacks over the past two years.

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Mark Latham’s homophobic tweet sparked ‘graphic’ abuse, death threats, Sydney MP says
Trials 2024-05-22 2:47 pm By Sam Matthews

A homophobic tweet by former NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham unleashed an “utterly hateful torrent of abuse and vitriol”, including death threats against Independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich, which left him fearing for his safety, a court has heard. 

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FWC’s ‘harsh’ comment about Mantle Group gave rise to appearance of bias, High Court told
Employment 2024-05-22 11:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Hospitality giant Mantle Group has asked the High Court to find a statement by a full bench of the Fair Work Commission accusing it of acting “extraordinarily and contumaciously” during a dispute about a ‘sham’ enterprise agreement gave rise to an appearance of bias.

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Judge won’t dock developer’s case against NSW Ports over privatisation deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-05-22 11:32 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A New South Wales developer’s competition case against NSW Ports over a ports privatisation agreement looks bound for the High Court after a judge found a related ACCC proceeding did not bar it from bringing the case, which will challenge a Full Court finding that the ports operator was shielded by derivative Crown immunity.

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PwC faces negligence case over tax liability for $100M estate
Tax 2024-05-21 12:47 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PricewaterhouseCoopers is facing a lawsuit by the executor of a deceased estate alleging the accounting firm gave negligent advice and acted with a conflict of interest while advising on tax liabilities for the deceased’s $100 million in assets.

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AG tells High Court Judge Vasta not immune from false imprisonment claim
High Court 2024-05-21 11:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The attorney-general of South Australia wants to intervene in a High Court appeal of a ruling that put Judge Salvatore Vasta on the hook for a man’s false imprisonment, saying the judge was not entitled to immunity but that police and correctional officers were.

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