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Judge orders soft class closure in ‘junk’ insurance class action
Class Actions 2024-02-28 10:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has ordered soft class closure in a class action against Suncorp unit AAI over allegedly worthless insurance, saying that knowing how many of the 200,000 group members are likely to participate would assist in resolving the case.

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Lawyer’s belief about paralegal underpayments ‘unreasonable’, judge finds
Employment 2024-02-28 5:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A Sydney law firm and its principal have been fined $14,400 for disobeying a Fair Work Ombudsman compliance notice issued for the alleged underpayment of a paralegal, with a judge saying the lawyer’s belief she did not owe any wages was “unreasoned and unreasonable”. 

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ER doctors hit Melbourne hospital with underpayments suit
Employment 2024-02-28 3:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Twenty-six emergency doctors have brought an underpayments lawsuit against Melbourne hospital operator Austin Health, claiming that for the past six year they have not been paid the full amount they are owed.

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Victoria’s approach to carriage fights better than Federal Court, says judge
Class Actions 2024-02-27 5:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge overseeing an appeal in a carriage dispute in a class action against Jaguar Land Rover over allegedly defective diesel filters has said he prefers the approach of the Supreme Court of Victoria to such fights, saying firms should not revise their bids multiple times.

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ASIC opens criminal investigation into director of crypto platform Blockchain Global
Cryptocurrency 2024-02-27 5:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has won a travel ban against a former director of collapsed cryptocurrency platform Blockchain Global while the regulator investigates suspected criminal offences. 

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Bureau of Meteorology challenges ruling on exec’s unfair dismissal over Paris trip
Appeals 2024-02-27 6:25 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Bureau of Meteorology has appealed a judgment that found a former senior executive was unfairly fired after taking a business-class trip to Paris.

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ICAC’s findings against Berejiklian based on ‘depressing view of human life’, court told
Appeals 2024-02-26 11:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Appealing findings of serious corrupt conduct over her award of state funds to the district of then boyfriend and member of parliament Daryl Maguire, former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian has told a court politicians can have “personal attachments” while still acting in the public interest.

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ABC host sacked for post on Gaza sues for unfair termination
Employment 2024-02-26 5:55 pm By Sam Matthews

A former ABC radio host has filed a Federal Court lawsuit against her former employer after she was fired for sharing a post by Human Rights Watch on her personal Instagram account about alleged war crimes committed by Israel in Gaza.

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7-Eleven class action funder’s $12M cut seemed ‘plainly too little’, says appeals judge
Appeals 2024-02-23 4:21 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge hearing an appeal by a funder over its cut of a $98 million settlement in franchisee class actions against 7-Eleven has said the $12 million commission was “plainly too little”, and questioned if the class action judge had been “stuck” on the idea that common fund orders are bad. 

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EY seeks to shut down partner’s lawsuit
Employment 2024-02-23 9:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Accounting firm Ernst & Young is seeking to throw out a tax partner’s lawsuit alleging he remains in the partnership despite an attempt to remove him, arguing the dispute had to be determined through confidential arbitration. 

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