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Judge finds Ben Roberts-Smith committed war crimes, tosses defamation claims
Defamation 2023-06-01 2:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Former SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has lost his defamation case against Nine-owned Fairfax, with a judge finding Thursday it was true that Australia’s most decorated soldier committed civilian murders in Afghanistan.

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Trial vacated in class action against Deloitte over Hastie audits
Trials 2023-05-30 2:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Trial in a protracted class action against Deloitte over the collapse of construction group Hastie has been abandoned, signalling a settlement is in the works.

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PFAS class action settles for $132.7M on eve of trial
Catherine Gleeson 2023-05-15 10:44 am By Cindy Cameronne

One of the two remaining class actions against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at military bases across the country has settled for $132.7 million on the eve of trial, with the final case going back to mediation.

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Racing Victoria planned agreement to ‘seriously breach’ competition laws, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-05-04 11:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Racing NSW has accused its Victorian counterpart of planning an anti-competitive agreement with five other states to exclude it from the thoroughbred racing industry, as it seeks documents to bring potential claims.

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PFAS class action trial set to begin before ‘frustrated’ judge
Trials 2023-04-28 11:02 pm By Christine Caulfield

Unless the parties can reach a last minute settlement over the weekend, trial in a class action against the Department of Defence over the use of alleged toxic firefighting foam at military bases across the country will begin Monday.

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ANZ, Citigroup execs defend book coverage despite receding demand in $2.5B capital raising
Trials 2023-04-27 11:57 pm By Sam Matthews

Two executives involved in ANZ’s $2.5 billion equity capital raising have stood by arguments that the book was covered when the bank’s underwriters took up $750 million of the shares, despite ASIC’s allegations of “receding demand” on the day of the placement.

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‘The book was covered’: ANZ fights ‘entirely novel’ ASIC case over $2.5B share placement
Trials 2023-04-26 11:18 pm By Sam Matthews

ANZ has told a court it had no obligation to disclose a $750M bailout by the underwriters of a $2.5B equity capital raising in 2015, in ASIC’s case alleging the bank breached its continuous disclosure obligations by failing to alert the market to the bailout.

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ANZ exec ‘deeply concerned’ about $2.5B share placement shortfall, court hears
Trials 2023-04-24 10:03 pm By Sam Matthews

A senior ANZ executive was “deeply concerned” by the size of the shortfall in its $2.5 billion 2015 equity capital raising, the court heard on the first day of trial in ASIC’s civil penalty case against the bank over alleged disclosure breaches.

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Essure contraceptive ‘safe and efficacious’, Bayer tells class action trial
Trials 2023-04-12 9:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Bayer told a jury that clinical trials from the 1990’s to 2014 showed its Essure birth control device was “safe and efficacious”, as the pharmaceutical giant faces trial in a class action by patients who claim they suffered debilitating injuries from the device.

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Bayer can’t dismiss Essure injuries as ‘common women’s symptoms’, class action trial told
Trials 2023-04-11 9:07 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer cannot write off debilitating chronic pain and bleeding which patients allegedly experienced after being implanted with Essure contraceptives as “common women’s symptoms”, a court has heard in the first day of trial in a long-running class action.

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