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PwC can’t ‘rout’ documents through ‘postbox’ lawyer to secure privilege, court finds
Tax 2022-04-06 5:52 pm By Miklos Bolza

Advice from non-lawyers and “routed” through a legal practitioner at multidisciplinary partnership PricewaterhouseCoopers cannot be shielded under legal professional privilege, the Federal Court has found.

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PwC can’t claim privilege over all advice to JBS, judge finds
Tax 2022-03-25 10:57 am By Miklos Bolza

A judge has rejected the Australian Taxation Office’s claim that legal professional privilege does not apply to any communications between PricewaterhouseCoopers and its client, meat processor JBS, but has found that many of the reviewed documents do not satisfy the test of privilege.

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ASIC claims another scalp in ongoing BigUn investigation
Accounting 2022-03-17 5:50 pm By Sam Matthews

A former auditor of collapsed video company BigUn has had his company auditor registration suspended for a year following an application by the corporate regulator over a conflict of interest. 

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TerraCom can’t keep PwC report from ASIC investigators
Energy & Natural Resources 2022-03-11 10:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

Mining company TerraCom has lost a case seeking to shield a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which is investigating claims current and former executives falsified coal quality results.

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Deloitte foreshadows new privilege battle in Hastie class action
Class Actions 2022-03-03 2:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

Another fight over privilege may be on the cards in a shareholder class action over the collapse of the Hastie Group, with Deloitte flagging its partners may claim privilege over certain parts of the accounting giant’s evidence.

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Arrium shareholders in class action can’t access full KPMG audit file
Class Actions 2022-02-04 1:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Shareholders in a class action against failed steel giant Arrium and KPMG have lost their bid for KPMG’s complete audit file for Arrium to probe the Big Four accounting firm’s handling of the steel producer’s financial statements before its collapse in April 2016.

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Grant Thornton to face former client’s claim over ‘pointless’ work
Accounting 2022-01-12 9:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Grant Thornton can’t dodge a “significant” counterclaim accusing the accounting firm of charging for “unnecessary and pointless” work in a case against a former client over $119,000 in unpaid fees.

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KPMG hits back at lawsuit brought by ‘belittled’ employee
Employment 2022-01-11 5:52 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Accounting giant KPMG is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by a former long-serving employee over “unnecessarily aggressive, belittling and disproportionate” emails allegedly attacking his professional integrity.

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NAB, HSBC should pay for Dick Smith receivers’ court loss, judge hears
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-12-15 6:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

National Australia Bank and HSBC should be “jointly and severally liable” to pay a portion of the costs of a failed case brought by Dick Smith’s receivers against the company’s former directors because the banks stood to gain financially if the lawsuit was successful, the NSW Supreme Court has heard.

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Deloitte can’t dodge client’s fraud claims, 16 years after alleged conduct
Tax 2021-12-10 10:01 pm By Bianca Hrovat

Accounting giant Deloitte has lost its bid to throw out a former client’s lawsuit alleging negligence and fraud over a failed interposition under tax law that occurred more than 16 years ago.

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