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$10M settlement offer rejected by plaintiffs in Advanta Seeds class action
Class Actions 2021-06-08 2:04 pm By Christine Caulfield

Plaintiffs in a class action against Advanta Seeds rejected a $10 million offer to settle the litigation, which was later dismissed by a judge.

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Fonterra can’t keep company name out of class action website domain
Class Actions 2021-05-28 3:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Dairy co-operative Fonterra has lost a bid to keep the company’s name out of the domain of a website to be set up for a class action brought by farmers alleging they were unlawfully underpaid when Fonterra slashed milk prices and sought a “clawback” in 2016.

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Appeal fails in case accusing pharma CEO of assaulting staff with syringe
Employment 2021-05-12 4:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

A former CEO of a global pharmaceutical company has lost his appeal of a ruling throwing out a lawsuit he brought against his former employer after he was terminated in the wake of accusations that he harassed staff and using a syringe to stab multiple employees.

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Farmers appeal ruling tossing contaminated seeds class action against Advanta
Class Actions 2021-05-11 9:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Queensland and NSW sorghum farmers have appealed a ruling that shut down its class action brought over allegedly contaminated seeds, saying the judge was wrong to find Advanta Seeds did not owe them a duty of care.

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Judge won’t keep sales figures confidential in epic Cargill, Viterra battle
Corporate 2021-05-11 3:55 pm By Miklos Bolza

A Victoria Supreme Court judge has rejected a post-trial bid to keep details of the 2019 sale of Cargill’s malt business under wraps in a long-running case over Viterra’s $420 million sale of its Joe White business, finding the move would be contrary to the principles of open justice where no harm from disclosure had been demonstrated.

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Appeals court clarifies peak indebtedness rule in partial win for Gunns creditor
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-05-11 12:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

An unsecured creditor of collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group has partially succeeded on appeal of a judgment that ordered repayment of $2 million that Gunns had transferred in 2021 despite trading while insolvent.

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Judge slams Monsanto’s ‘highly unsatisfactory’ behaviour in Roundup class action
Class Actions 2021-05-10 4:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has criticised agricultural giant Monsanto for its “highly unsatisfactory” conduct in ignoring court orders in a class action over its allegedly cancer-causing Roundup pesticides.

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Creditors of LGL Commodities may have case against lawyers, judge says
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-04-21 3:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

Creditors of LGL Commodities might have a right of action against solicitors for the company’s liquidators for failing to comply with court orders and omitting evidence in a case against a former director, a judge has ruled.

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Judge rejects government’s attempt to limit liability in Murray Darling class action
Class Actions 2021-04-13 3:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has found the Commonwealth and Murray Darling Basin Authority are not “public authorities”, striking out large portions of their defence in a class action brought by farmers alleging negligent oversight of water management in the critical Australian river system.

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Judge nips Advanta Seeds class action in the bud, finds no duty of care owed
Class Actions 2021-04-09 5:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

Advanta Seeds has defeated a class action brought over contaminated seeds, with a court finding the Australian seed supplier did not owe a duty of care to irate farmers who allegedly suffered loss and damage from the decreased value of their sorghum crops sowed in the 2010/2011 summer season.Ā 

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