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A tale of two class actions: Helmed by same legal team, Murray Goulburn, Banksia cases chart different paths
Feature 2020-10-05 5:14 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Murray Goulburn class action run by Elliott Legal bears similarities to the Banksia class action, a case rife with scandal and offered up by opponents as proof of the problems with the class action regime. The leading lawyers were the same in both cases. In one they have abandoned any claim to their fees and have walked away from their careers. In the other they walked away with $5 million.

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Judge shuts down Boehringer challenge to Merck Sharp & Dohme parasite patent
Intellectual Property 2020-09-24 1:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

Pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim has failed in its Federal Court challenge to a patent application for an injectable anti-parasite drug for livestock by a subsidiary of competitor Merck Sharp & Dohme.

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Papyrus settles defamation suit with former CEO over missing name in annual report
Agriculture 2020-09-22 2:27 pm By Christine Caulfield

Sustainable technology company Papyrus Australia has reached a settlement with its former CEO in a defamation case that alleged the omission of his name in the company’s 2018 annual report was akin to calling him a liar.

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Judge slashes law firm’s costs in $10.5M bushfire class action settlement
Class Actions 2020-08-24 5:05 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has signed off on a $10.5 million settlement in a class action over the 2015 Scotsburn bushfire in Victoria, but slashed the costs of the law firm that brought the case by over $1 million.

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Insurers dragged into Gunns plantation class action
Class Actions 2020-08-17 3:15 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two insurance companies have been joined as respondents to a class action against forestry giant Gunns over the failure of six managed investment schemes for eucalyptus wood in Tasmania.

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Fonterra may bring counter-claims in class action over milk prices
Class Actions 2020-08-07 5:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

Fonterra could bring counter-claims against dairy farmers that brought a class action alleging they were unpaid when the company slashed milk prices in 2016, a court has heard, after debt recovery proceedings by Fonterra against the lead applicants were joined with the class action.

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Government won’t challenge loss in live export class action
Class Actions 2020-07-22 10:16 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Federal Government will not challenge a ruling in a class action brought on behalf of live exporters which found a total ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia in 2011 was “capricious and unreasonable”.

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Funder’s average rate of return a factor in approving class action commission, judge says
Class Actions 2020-07-10 8:50 pm By Christine Caulfield

A litigation funder’s average rate of return on its investment in shareholder class actions was one of a number of factors weighed by a judge in approving a 25 per cent funding cut from the $42 million settlement in a class action against dairy cooperative Murray Goulburn.

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Lead applicant in horse vaccine class action told to ‘put up or shut up’
Class Actions 2020-07-07 9:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

Global animal health company Zoetis has told the lead applicants in a class action over horse vaccines to “put up or shut up” and produce evidence disclosing an alleged scientific link between the hendra virus vaccine and certain alleged adverse side effects.

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Bayer defeats Norbrook opposition to animal antiseptic patent
Intellectual Property 2020-07-02 4:03 pm By Miklos Bolza

A delegate of IP Australia has tossed opposition by veterinary pharmaceutical company Norbrook Laboratories to a patent by rival animal health specialist Bayer New Zealand for a bovine antiseptic treatment.

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