A judge has rejected claims by Gladstone Ports Corporation that security for costs in a $100 million class action by commercial fishing operators should not be paid through a London-based insurer because of the impact of Brexit and COVID-19.
The lead applicant in a class action against the Federal Government over its total ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia in 2011 has been awarded $2.9 million, potentially exposing the government to hundreds of millions of dollars in damages.
Fonterra has been hit with a class action by disgruntled dairy farmers who allege they were unlawfully underpaid when the processor slashed milk prices and sought a “clawback” in 2016.
Animal health company Abbey Laboratories has successfully challenged an application by rival Bayer Australia for a patent covering a treatment for biting lice.
A judge has ruled in favour of live exporters in a class action against the Federal Government, finding a total ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia in 2011 was “capricious and unreasonable”.
A judge has rejected concerns about client poaching raised by the law firms involved in competing class actions against chemical giant Monsanto.
A class action launched over the Scotsburn bushfire that burnt down 12 homes and ravaged over 4,000 hectares in Victoria in December 2015 has reached a $10.5 million settlement with agricultural machinery company Agrison and insurer Auto & General Insurance Company.
Agricultural giant Bayer can’t block an Australian herbicide maker from trade marking ‘Preceed’ for its products, with a delegate from the Trade Marks Office finding the mark was not deceptively similar to Bayer’s ‘Precept’ weed killer mark.
Grain handling group Viterra has been denied a post-hearing bid to reopen a lawsuit brought by Cargill Australia over its $420 million acquisition of Joe White, with a judge finding the application would lead to “substantial disruption and delay”.
A judge has signed off on a $37.5 million Murray Goulburn class action settlement but slashed $2 million in legal costs sought by Mark Elliott’s law firm, which is running the case.