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Key insight into claim on Warranty & Indemnity insurance
Expert Insights 2019-11-14 9:35 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Supreme Court of Victoria has considered whether an insured buyer under a warranty and indemnity policy is entitled to indemnity from an insurer when it relied on income and liability warranties in a share sale agreement and those warranties were breached, a case that provides welcome guidance on the contractual interpretation of W&I policies, writes Justin McDonnell and Rebecca LeBherz of King & Wood Mallesons.

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Ex-Murray Goulburn execs say judge should not disqualify them again
Securities 2019-11-13 11:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

The former chief financial officer of Murray Goulburn has asked a judge to relieve him from any disqualification order sought by the corporate watchdog in its case over his alleged role in the milk supplier’s continuous disclosure breaches, saying he is already the subject of orders that ban him from the dairy industry.

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Funder to fight for Murray Goulburn class action commission, as milk supplier settles second case
Class Actions 2019-11-01 9:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

Murray Goulburn has agreed to pay $37.5 million to resolve the second of two shareholder class actions over its 2016 profit forecasts, as the $42 million settlement of the first class action is held up over questions about the litigation funder’s commission.Ā 

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ACCC extends review of $350M ANZ, GrainCorp deal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-10-24 1:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has extended its review of ANZ Terminals’ proposed acquisition of a unit of global agribusiness GrainCorp, after expressed competition concerns about the $350 million tie-up in July.

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Quintis founder wins unredacted transcripts of ASIC chats with directors
White Collar 2019-10-23 9:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

Quintis founder Frank Wilson has won his bid for unredacted transcripts of ASIC examinations with six former directors of the failed sandalwood company.

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Stage set for battle over court’s power to vary class action funding agreements
Analysis 2019-10-22 11:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge’s decision refusing to approve a $42 million settlement in a shareholder class action against Murray Goulburn because of a “too high” funder’s commission has set the stage for a showdown over the power of courts to alter funding agreements, a battle potentially more consequential than the fight over common fund orders now before the High Court.

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IOOF unit wins stay of $76M judgment as it mulls appeal of case against Sparke Helmore
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-10-22 11:00 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has briefly stayed his $76.6 million judgment against IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees over the sale of a timber plantation by the collapsed Gunns Group as AET weighs an appeal of the ruling, which dismissed its cross-claim against law firm Sparke Helmore.

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Short seller Bonitas ignores Rural Funds action, threatens defamation lawsuit
Securities 2019-10-18 8:36 pm By Amelia Birnie

Activist US short seller Bonitas Research is refusing to participate in legal action brought in Australia by Rural Funds Group, as it continues to press allegations of fraud, which sent the agricultural fund managerā€™s share price plummeting.

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a2 Milk loses another trade mark opposition as high-stakes appeal looms
Intellectual Property 2019-10-17 4:33 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The a2 Milk Company has come up short again in opposing a competitor’s bid to register a trade mark containing “a2”, with a delegate finding the reputation of its goods does not lie in the descriptive term a2 alone.

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Judge rejects $42M Murray Goulburn class action settlement, says funder’s cut too high
Class Actions 2019-10-16 2:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has refused to sign off on a $42 million settlement of a class action against dairy giant Murray Goulburn, saying the commission sought by the funder appeared out of proportion to the risk and above the going rate.

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