Building company Icon is fighting developer Citta’s application to vacate the hearing of its claim to $1.2 million for consulting work on a Victorian state project, rejecting the developer’s claim it was ambushed by a new defence.
Civil construction company Hynash has lost an appeal bid after a judgment put it on the hook for the full sum of a payment claim lodged by a subcontractor following the termination of a contract linked to a Bathurst, NSW project.
A newly created NSW authority tasked with speeding housing developments has selected eleven developments promising 6,400 new homes for fast-track approval.
Owners at the Alcove development in Sydney’s North Shore have been given the green light to expand their case against the Meriton-owned builders to claim $123 million in damages for alleged systemic defects.
The development management company behind the $2.7 billion STH BNK project, which was placed in administration last week, owes creditors — including lawyers, consultants and designers — over $100 million.
The developer of a suite of Holiday Inn Express hotels has succeeded in its appeal of a ruling that laid bare privileged material connected to its lawyers’ bills.
Lendlease has resolved its challenge to a valuation for the site of its $3.1 billion luxury development One Circular Quay, located between the Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.
BESIX Watpac and Frasers Property are fighting claims they are liable for defects in two residential complexes in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale, including the $2 billion One Central Park towers.
Lendlease has abandoned its bid to purchase a parcel of land owned by one of Australia’s oldest families for well below market value as part of its project to develop 6,700 homes in Campbelltown, Sydney.
Property developer Investa and The Salvation Army have partnered to develop a $230 million ‘Studio Living’ apartment building in Sydney’s CBD.