Ramsay Health Care has defeated a challenge to its Nuramel trade mark for a brand of infant formula, with IP Australia saying while the mark was an exact anagram of Biofarma’s Munarel, it wasn’t deceptively similar.
Five dairy processors have agreed to make changes to their supply contracts to address the ACCC’s concerns that certain terms were unfair to dairy farmers.
Catch Group has appealed a decision from IP Australia that shot down its opposition to a trade mark by a rival online store.
E-retailer Catch Group has filed a trade mark lawsuit against a popular online classified ads provider over its “Catch of the week” and “Catch of the month” promotions.
The Paris-based publisher of Elle Magazine has succeeded in a challenge to a trade mark application by an Australian building supplier for the name of its brand of bathroom fixtures, ‘Ella’.
Bannister Law has stepped down from leading a shareholder class action, the second major class action the firm has recently handed over to a rival firm without explanation.
A Dick Smith shareholder has lost his bid to bring a separate proceeding against the failed home goods retailer while two class actions are afoot.
Energy drink giant Monster Energy has dropped its challenge to a ruling allowing alcoholic spirits wholesaler Fernbrew to trade mark the term ‘Real Beast’ for alcoholic beverages.
A judge has rejected a bid by the applicants in two shareholder class actions against online fashion retailer Surfstitch to push forward with a proposed settlement of the cases without an opt-out notice to group members.
Lawyers leading a class action against Quintis want the failed sandalwood oil producer to hand over evidence of any insurance policy that could cover the company and its founder for damages sought in the case.