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Net emissions from Mount Pleasant mega coal mine project not the point, appeals court told
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-02-12 11:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek wrongly focused on the net effect of approving an application by MACH Energy and Whitehaven Coal to extend two mega coal mines in New South Wales, an advocacy group has told an appeals court.

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Class action investigation targets Magnis Energy, auditor Hall Chadwick
Securities 2024-02-05 4:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A law firm is investigating an shareholder class action against lithium battery producer Magnis Energy Technologies and auditor Hall Chadwick after its share price plummeted to four cents late last year.  

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Rio Tinto shielded by war sanctions from wrath of Russian aluminium producer
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-02-01 4:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Russia’s largest aluminium producer UC Rusal has lost a breach of contract lawsuit brought against six Rio Tinto companies after they refused to deliver alumina under a joint venture agreement on the basis that doing so would cause them to run afoul of export sanctions imposed after Russia invaded Ukraine.

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‘Nothing that I can do’: Judge reluctantly imposes $1.8M penalty on Westpac in Ausgrid case
Financial Services 2024-01-31 12:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has reluctantly hit Westpac with a $1.8 million penalty after the bank admitted to unconscionable conduct when trading on the morning of a $16 billion deal to privatise electricity provider Ausgrid, saying it was the maximum fine allowed under the relevant law.

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Ochre liquidator can serve missing directors by email, judge says
Restructuring & Insolvency 2024-01-26 1:46 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has given a liquidator the green light to use substituted service to serve court documents on two directors of failed iron ore producer Ochre Group whose exact whereabouts are unknown, amid concerns about transactions leading up to the company’s collapse.

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Ex-Continental Coal secretary pleads guilty to stealing, forgery
White Collar 2024-01-24 11:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former company secretary of defunct mining and exploration company Continental Coal has pleaded guilty to three criminal charges, including stealing $2.2 million and forging a bank statement.

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Thiess dodges lawsuit over $54M contract for Wheatstone natural gas project
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-01-23 2:38 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Thiess has defeated a lawsuit by a rock supplier seeking $9.3 million in damages for alleged delays by the mining services giant in receiving materials for work on Chevron’s Wheatstone natural gas hub. 

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Ventia can’t recoup $5.6M from Western Power in bushfire class action
Class Actions 2024-01-16 4:17 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Subcontractor Ventia Utility Services had lost its bid to recover $5.6 million in alleged overpayments to class action group members from co-defendant Western Power, after its liability was reduced on appeal in a representative proceeding over the 2014 Perth Hills bushfire.

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Tiwi Islander loses challenge to Santos’ $5.6B Barossa pipeline
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-01-15 1:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Energy company Santos has defeated a challenge by a Tiwi Islander traditional custodian to the construction of a pipeline for its $5.6 billion Barossa gas project, with a judge rejecting expert evidence about risks to cultural heritage.

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United Petroleum outlets sued by FWO for underpayments
Employment 2024-01-10 2:14 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Fair Work Ombudsman has brought proceedings against three United Petroleum-branded outlets in Tasmania and South Australia, alleging they underpaid migrant workers by more than $26,000. 

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