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YTL Power’s case over capital gains tax on $1B sale hopeless, court finds
Tax 2023-03-24 8:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The tax commissioner has convinced a judge to throw out proceedings by Malaysian power company YTL Power seeking declarations that it does not owe capital gains tax from the sale of its stake in ElectraNet Pty Ltd.

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Mining equipment supplier Qteq denies ACCC’s cartel claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-03-23 9:22 pm By Sam Matthews

Mining equipment company Qteq and its executive chairman Simon Ashton have denied allegations of bid rigging and other cartel conduct levelled by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

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High Court won’t weigh in on Clive Palmer’s royalties spat with Adani
Appeals 2023-03-16 10:34 pm By Sam Matthews

The High Court has denied Clive Palmer leave to appeal successive court decisions which found his company Mineralogy’s royalties dispute with mining company Adani should be determined through a dispute resolution process rather than in court.

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Acciona says no unfettered access to $511M waste-to-energy plant
Construction 2023-03-15 10:43 pm By Sam Matthews

Acciona has hit back at a suit brought by the entity in charge of a $511 million waste-to-energy plant south of Perth alleging it was unlawfully shut out of the project site, with the Spanish infrastructure giant saying the entity had no “unlimited right of access.”

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Ken Talbot’s widow wanted to ‘destroy’ law firm, court says
Professional Negligence 2023-03-14 1:20 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The wife of the late mining executive Ken Talbot wanted to “destroy” the law firm that advised her husband about his will, a court has found in awarding costs against the widow.

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MACH Energy hits back at Tinkler’s fraud case, mounts strike-out bid
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-03-14 5:27 pm By Cindy Cameronne

MACH Energy has hit back at a lawsuit by mining executive Nathan Tinkler’s companies that alleges a former general manager misused confidential information to help MACH buy the lucrative Mount Pleasant coal mine.

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Class action firm’s potential profit from Arrium case not relevant to security sum: judge
Class Actions 2023-03-10 3:10 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge overseeing a security dispute in a shareholder class action against KPMG and former directors of Arrium has found that potential profits to the plaintiff law firm running the case under a group costs order is not relevant to determining the quantum of security for costs.

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Inpex loses bid for split trial in spat with insurers over Ichthys LNG defects
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-03-07 5:41 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Japanese oil company Inpex has lost its bid for a split trial in a dispute with insurers AIG Australia and Mitsui Sumitomo over coverage for litigation related to defects at the $45 billion Ichthys liquified natural gas project in the Northern Territory.

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Gunns class action settles with KPMG, former directors
Class Actions 2023-03-02 10:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A class action against KPMG and nine former Gunns Plantations directors over the failure of six managed investment schemes for eucalyptus wood in Tasmania has settled for a confidential amount, with a judge poised to approve the deal.

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ASIC files first-ever action over whistleblower breaches against TerraCom
Employment 2023-03-01 1:19 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has brought its first-ever case alleging breach of whistleblower protections against coal producer TerraCom, claiming it made misleading statements to the market that damaged a whistleblower’s reputation.

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