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Acciona accused of blocking access to $511M waste-to-energy plant
Construction 2023-02-24 3:23 pm By Sam Matthews

Spanish infrastructure giant Acciona has been sued by the entity in charge of a $511 million waste-to-energy plant south of Perth, which says it was unlawfully shut out of the project site after “commercial issues” arose between them.

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$192.5M oil spill class action settlement gets nod, but firm’s cut to be decided
Class Actions 2023-02-23 2:10 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has approved a $192.5 million settlement in an oil spill class action on behalf of Indonesian seaweed farmers, but the slice for the law firm running the action and its litigation funder remains to be determined amid allegations of negligence by the former lead applicant in the case.

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Herbert Smith Freehills launches international arbitration hub in Melbourne
Business of Law 2023-02-22 10:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Herbert Smith Freehills has launched an international arbitration hub in Melbourne to service the firm’s clients along the Asia-Australia corridor.

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Sunwater asks High Court to hear floods class action coverage spat
Class Actions 2023-02-21 11:20 pm By Christine Caulfield

Dam services provider Sunwater has asked the High Court to take its side in a dispute over insurance coverage for a $440 million class action settlement with victims of the 2010-2011 floods in Queensland.

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BCC loses appeal over $8M trade credit policy to Phoenix financier
Appeals 2023-02-21 1:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Insurer Bond & Credit Company has lost its appeal of a decision ordering it to indemnify an Australian non-bank lender that provided $8 million in trade finance to companies in Phoenix Group shortly before its collapse.

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Landmark Santos greenwashing case to centre on meaning of ‘clean’
Climate change 2023-02-21 10:02 pm By Sam Matthews

A case brought by a shareholder advocacy group accusing Santos of misleading the market by ‘greenwashing’ its environmental credentials will centre on the meaning of the word ‘clean’, a court has heard.

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Ampol to pay $157M to settle transfer pricing dispute with ATO
Tax 2023-02-20 2:40 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Petrol giant Ampol has reached a $157 million agreement with the Australian Taxation Office to resolve a long-running dispute over transfer pricing of goods between its Singaporean hub and Australian unit.

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ACCC accuses Swift Networks of fixing prices for internet at Rio Tinto mines
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-02-17 11:47 pm By Christine Caulfield

Technology company Swift Networks has been taken to court for alleged bid rigging and price fixing in the tender process for IT and communications equipment supply to five Rio Tinto and Fortescue Metals mining sites in WA’s Pilbara region.

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Hall & Wilcox poaches finance partner from Baker McKenzie
People In The News 2023-02-16 1:30 pm By Sam Matthews

Hall & Wilcox has lured a Baker & McKenzie veteran and renewables specialist to lead its Sydney finance practice.

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Whitehaven coal mine extension illogical amid ‘deadly’ climate crisis, court told
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-02-15 1:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The NSW Independent Planning Commission’s decision to approve an extension for Whitehaven’s Narrabi coal mine was “legally illogical” amid current knowledge of the “extraordinary and deadly” impact of climate change, a court has heard.

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