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Downer Energy found liable for defective boiler at NSW power plant
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-01-27 3:35 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has found Downer Energy was responsible for a costly shutdown at a NSW power plant caused by a “practically unthinkable” defect.

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Walk-away settlement reached with directors in RCR Tomlinson shareholder class action
Class Actions 2023-01-20 11:15 am By Cindy Cameronne

An investor class action against RCR Tomlinson has reached a walk-away settlement agreement with two former directors of the failed engineering company.

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Clayton Utz lures energy ace for corporate practice
Business of Law 2023-01-19 10:43 am By Cindy Cameronne

Clayton Utz has snagged an energy regulatory expert who has worked as general counsel at AusNet and was formerly a partner at Herbert Smith Freehills to join its Melbourne corporate practice. 

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Appeals court sets aside arbitration award in Chevron gas field dispute
Arbitration 2023-01-18 2:59 pm By Sam Matthews

An appeals court has dismissed an appeal from two contractors who worked on Chevron’s Gorgon gas field project who allege they were underpaid over $130 million by the energy giant.

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Midway Limited hit with $33,000 fine for alleged continuous disclosure breach
ASIC 2023-01-18 4:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Wood-fibre processor and exporter Midway Limited has been hit with a $33,000 penalty after the Australian Securities and Investments Commission alleged it failed to disclose a revenue downturn to shareholders.

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Downer wins pre-litigation docs in $25M spat with Alinta over Pilbara gas project
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-01-16 3:13 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Mining company Downer EDI has won its bid to review documents between Alinta Energy and a superintendent who allegedly acted improperly in a spat over a $208 million solar gas hybrid project in the Pilbara region. 

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Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting can’t halt case pending arbitration in 20-year feud
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-01-16 11:24 pm By Sam Matthews

Hancock Prospecting has lost a bid to shut down court cases brought by fellow mining giants Wright Prospecting and DFD Rhodes until the outcome of a family arbitration, after a judge found the company’s own forensic choices made the risk of inconsistent decisions inevitable.

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Former KWM solicitor, now judge, won’t recuse herself from United Petroleum case
Legal Ethics 2023-01-13 4:46 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge who previously acted for a United Petroleum Group company in a “highly acrimonious” case eight years ago has refused to recuse herself from adjudicating a new dispute involving a related company.

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Judge imposes $450,000 penalty against Australian Mines
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-01-13 3:49 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has approved a $450,000 penalty against Australian Mines in ASIC proceedings brought after its managing director was allegedly caught lying at an investment conference about the value of an offtake agreement and funding for a project at its cobalt and nickel mine in Queensland.

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WA saddled with $2M legal bill from ‘futile’ defamation fight with Clive Palmer
Article 2022-12-23 4:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The state of Western Australia has been left with a $2 million legal bill for defending a defamation action  by billionaire Clive Palmer and advancing cross-claims on behalf of premier Mark McGowan, which a judge blasted as “a futile exercise”.

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