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Former Leighton exec faces new foreign bribery charge
Energy & Natural Resources 2021-02-23 3:43 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former director of a Leighton Holdings subsidiary has been hit with a third foreign bribery charge after a six-year AFP investigation found bribes were paid to Tanzanian public officials to secure a mooring replacement contract worth $US66.48 million. 

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‘Novel and invasive’: Clive Palmer can’t get law firm docs for Queensland Nickel case
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-19 10:59 pm By Miklos Bolza

Two Clive Palmer companies have again been blocked from accessing documents held by two law firms and a litigation funder to pursue a potential lawsuit against Queensland Nickel, with an appeal court dismissing the bid as “unmeritorious”.

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Liquidators say Arrium directors should have known about ‘liquidity crisis’ sooner
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-15 3:41 pm By Miklos Bolza

The directors of steel giant Arrium, which collapsed owing $4 billion in debts, should have known earlier that the company was in a “liquidity crisis” and was trading while insolvent, liquidators for the company allege.

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With High Court leave, Arrium class action plaintiffs may get second chance to grill ex-director
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-11 10:44 pm By Christine Caulfield

Two shareholders of failed Arrium Group have secured leave from the High Court to challenge a ruling that nixed their planned examination of a former director to bolster a class action over the collapse of the steel producer.

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Judge ‘tempted’ to allow Arrium liquidator to give expert evidence at trial
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-11 3:29 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has indicated that he will allow Arrium Group’s liquidator to give expert evidence at an upcoming trial in proceedings against the steel giant’s former directors over its $4 billion collapse, despite his other role as a party in the case.

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Arrium class action at centre of brewing fight over contingency fee orders
Class Actions 2021-02-05 4:32 pm By Miklos Bolza

Whether a contingency fee order made in a Victoria Supreme Court class action can survive a transfer application to a NSW court could be the next high stakes class action issue for the courts.

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Activists notch High Court victory over expansion of Queensland coal mine
Environment 2021-02-03 9:09 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A Queensland activist group has come up trumps in a drawn-out legal battle against New Acland Coal’s proposed expansion of a coal mine, with the High Court striking down previous lower court rulings giving it the green light.

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Judge won’t allow new claims against Herbert Smith Freehills over Arrium Group collapse
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-02-03 4:11 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge has refused a bid to bring claims against law firm Herbert Smith Freehills in one of three lawsuits that will soon head to trial over the $4 billion collapse of steel giant Arrium Group.

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Judge finds Spain not immune from enforcement of $375M arbitration awards
Arbitration 2021-02-02 5:10 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Federal Court has granted a limited appeal in the Kingdom of Spain’s challenge to a judgment enforcing a $375 million arbitration award over two renewable energy investments, ordering a redrafting of the primary judge’s orders but rejecting claims that Spain was immune as a foreign state from enforcement of the award.

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Shareholder secures access to books for possible class action against Orinoco Gold
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-01-25 3:13 pm By Christine Caulfield

Collapsed gold producer Orinoco Gold could face a class action after a shareholder won access to a raft of company documents to investigate the prospect of a group proceeding to recover losses.

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