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Queensland flood dam operator wants info behind Maurice Blackburn’s damages claim
Class Actions 2020-10-06 12:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

Dam operator Sunwater wants evidence from Maurice Blackburn, the law firm behind the landmark Queensland flood class action, showing how the applicant will calculate aggregate damages for around 6,800 group members.

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Law firm may get another chance to pursue claims against ex-director over breakaway firm
Business of Law 2020-10-05 7:21 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

An appeals court has declined to dismiss an international law firm’s appeal of a ruling staying its case against a former director who formed a breakaway law firm with a former Freehills partner and Westpac in-house counsel and lured away lucrative oil and gas clients. 

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Clive Palmer can’t get law firm, funder docs for possible Queensland Nickel claim
Restructuring & Insolvency 2020-09-23 4:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Queensland Supreme Court has shot down an “entirely speculative” bid by two Clive Palmer-owned companies to access information held by two law firms and a litigation funder, as the mining magnate mulls a lawsuit for potential breaches of a settlement reached in the Queensland Nickel liquidation proceedings.

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Deloitte wants to toss bulk of partner’s age discrimination, misleading conduct case
Employment 2020-09-22 2:09 pm By Christine Caulfield

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has asked a court to toss a majority of claims in a lawsuit brought by 63-year-old partner Colin Brown over the firm’s alleged discriminatory retirement policy that he claims has cost him almost $4 million.

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WA Premier Mark McGowan lobs defamation claims at Clive Palmer
Defamation 2020-09-21 2:57 pm By Miklos Bolza

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has struck back at a defamation lawsuit by Clive Palmer, filing a counterclaim accusing the mining magnate of making a number of defamatory statements, including that he was a “liar” involved in “covering up” illegal activity.

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BHP worker sues after axing over COVID-19 social media posts
Employment 2020-09-18 10:37 pm By Christine Caulfield

A mine worker employed at BHP’s Olympic Dam is suing the company after she was sacked for allegedly harassing a co-worker on social media for their apparent failure to self isolate on returning from a trip interstate at the start of the first wave of COVID-19 cases in Australia.

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ACCC can’t stop buy now, pay later finance in solar industry
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-09-15 11:37 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Competition Tribunal has shot down ACCC moves to restrict the use of buy now, pay later finance for the purchase of solar goods and other new energy technology products.

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GMA Garnet to pay $23M to settle mineral sands dispute with mining company
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-09-15 1:29 pm By Miklos Bolza

Australian mining company Mineral Commodities has settled its contractual dispute with international garnet supplier GMA Garnet, which has agreed to pay around $23 million and purchase almost one million tonnes of mineral sands.

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Ernst & Young faces $12M damages claim over collapse of soda ash maker Penrice
Financial Services 2020-09-15 11:58 am By Cat Fredenburgh

Ernst & Young is facing a claim for $12 million damages in a lawsuit over its auditing of collapsed soda ash maker Penrice.

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Adani wins temporary injunction against mine activist
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-09-11 3:43 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has granted Adani Mining an interim injunction preventing an environmental activist from using confidential information obtained through covert infiltration campaigns aimed at opposing the controversial Carmichael coal mine.

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