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ASIC can use PwC partner’s evidence in case against Rio Tinto
ASIC 2019-10-03 8:20 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has won its bid to use evidence from US proceedings in its case against Rio Tinto alleging the mining giant misled shareholders about a Mozambique mining company purchased for US$4.2 billion.

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Appeals court finds ‘Diamond Joe’ Gutnick family’s $1 mining deal void
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-10-03 4:45 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has upheld a ruling that found two firms previously run by Joseph “Diamond Joe” Gutnik and his family were insolvent, ending a long-running battle over hundreds of millions of dollars in mining assets.

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Battle ahead as Hanwha seeks to ‘strengthen’ solar patent after suing rivals for infringement
Intellectual Property 2019-10-02 4:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

Global solar panel manufacturer Hanwha Q CELLS wants to amend the patent behind its solar technology, more than six months after launching infringement proceedings against three rivals.

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ACCC flags concerns about Resource Management Service timber sale
Competition & Consumer Protection 2019-09-26 8:33 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Competition and Consumer Committee has flagged preliminary competition concerns and called for public submissions on a proposed sale by US-based timberland investment manager Resource Management Service of its Tasmanian assets.

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Sparke Helmore off the hook as court slams IOOF unit with $81M judgment over plantation sale
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-09-26 2:50 pm By Miklos Bolza

IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees has been hit with an $80.6 million judgment after breaching its duty as trustee in the sale of a 42,000 hectare timber plantation by collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group, and it can’t pass the liability on to Spark Helmore, despite the law firm’s inadequate advice.

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Dyno Nobel, Orica settle case over rock blasting method patent
Intellectual Property 2019-09-25 2:58 pm By Christine Caulfield

Explosives maker Dyno Nobel has reached a mid-trial settlement in its case against its major rival, Orica, over a patent for a method for blasting rock at open cut mines.

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Provisional liquidators appointed to Merlin Diamonds to investigate concerns of ‘serious mismanagement’
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-09-23 8:55 pm By Amelia Birnie

A judge has appointed provisional liquidators to ‘Diamond Joe’ Gutnick’s mining company Merlin Diamonds, after finding evidence of “serious mismanagement” and citing an urgent need to investigate the company’s books.

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MACH Energy settles $20M lawsuit by former director
Employment 2019-09-17 10:18 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mining firm MACH Energy has resolved a lawsuit brought by a former director seeking $20 million in shares allegedly owed under an equity incentive scheme.

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Vietnamese mining firm drops $132M arbitration award dispute with WorleyParsons unit
Arbitration 2019-09-11 1:35 pm By Miklos Bolza

The operator of a Vietnamese mine has dropped its Federal Court proceedings against WorleyParsons subsidiary Jacobs E&C over the enforcement of a $132 million arbitration award.

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Corporate cop looks to bolster Rio Tinto case with US evidence from PwC witness
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-09-10 4:38 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking evidence from US proceedings in its case against Rio Tinto alleging the mining giant misled shareholders about a Mozambique mining company purchased for US$4.2 billion.

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