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Adani defeats appeal in native title challenge to Queensland coal mine
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-07-12 10:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

A group of Indigenous Australians opposed to Adani’s Carmichael coal mine in Queensland has lost an appeal of a ruling dismissing a native title case against the $16 billion development.

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Piper Alderman’s $3.5M legal bill for running KPMG class action in limbo
Class Actions 2019-07-12 1:37 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has refused to approve Piper Alderman’s $3.5 million in legal fees charged for running a class action against KPMG, appointing Grant Thornton as contradictor and giving the auditor the ability to seek assistance from the court for any future disputes about the controversial bill.

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Cleveland-Cliffs unit keeps counterclaim alive in dispute over $2.5B Koolyanobbing mine contract
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-07-11 4:30 pm By Miklos Bolza

A subsidiary of US mining giant Cleveland-Cliffs has won a fight to keep its counterclaim against a contractor alive in a dispute over the Koolyanobbing iron ore mine in Western Australia.

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Group members set to get nothing in St Patrick’s Day bushfire class action settlement
Class Actions 2019-07-09 4:16 pm By Amelia Birnie

A settlement has been reached in the second of four St Patrick’s Day bushfire class actions filed by Maddens Lawyers, under which energy distributor PowerCor will be released of any liability and group members will walk away with nothing.

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Another dispute over Ichthys LNG project may be brewing
Energy & Natural Resources 2019-07-04 11:53 am By Miklos Bolza

The contractor behind the Ichthys LNG project has won court approval to use documents discovered in its lawsuit against Dutch paint manufacturer AkzoNobel for use in any potential dispute with INPEX, the head company behind the liquid natural gas project.

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IOOF unit’s case ‘utterly unsupportable’, Sparke Helmore tells court
Trials 2019-07-02 8:40 pm By Miklos Bolza

Sparke Helmore has refuted allegations by IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees (SA) that it failed to provide proper legal advice to the trustee on a 2012 pine plantation sale that left 4,500 investors without millions of dollars worth of assets.

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‘Neglect, inexperience, incompetence’: IOOF unit faces $82M trial over plantation sale
Trials 2019-07-01 7:23 pm By Miklos Bolza

IOOF subsidiary Australian Executor Trustees (SA) is facing an $82 million claim for compensation by investors angered by the way the trustee handled the sale of a 42,000 hectare timber plantation run by collapsed forestry giant Gunns Group.

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RCR Tomlinson class actions get green light, multiplicity fight looms
Class Actions 2019-06-24 5:27 pm By Miklos Bolza

Three shareholder class actions against RCR Tomlinson have been allowed to continued, setting up a class action beauty contest over who will lead the litigation against the failed engineering company.

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Competing law firms agree to join forces in BHP class action
Appeals 2019-06-21 10:33 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rival law firms Phi Finney McDonald and Maurice Blackburn have offered to consolidate their competing shareholder class actions against BHP after prompting by the Full Federal Court, which said Friday it approved of the plan.

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Judge has ‘real misgivings’ about security for costs bid in casual worker class actions
Class Actions 2019-06-17 10:08 pm By Miklos Bolza

A judge has baulked at an application by labour hire company Chandler Macleod and BHP unit Mt Arthur Coal seeking security for their legal costs in two casual worker class actions, saying Fair Work cases were not the same as shareholder class actions.

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