After losing a travel ban application against a Melbourne businessman as part of a probe into a failed investment fund, ASIC is now seeking freezing orders over his assets.
A court has refused to order the applicant in a failed class action against NULIS Nominees to pay indemnity costs, but has confirmed that so-called Calderbank offers can operate in group proceedings.
A judge has hit AustralianSuper with a $27 million penalty for breaching superannuation rules requiring providers to consolidate customer accounts.
A newly appointed judge has disqualified himself from hearing a group of cases over Greensill’s $1.7 billion collapse, after he acted as counsel for insurer Marsh in a related dispute.
A judge has dismissed lawsuits brought by three former Salter Brothers clients alleging they were misled about an investment fund marketed as part of a visa program to migrate to Australia.
The former chief general counsel for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has joined Norton Rose Fulbright as a financial services partner.
NAB has settled a suit by a former exec who alleged she was discriminated against and bullied, including having a baseball bat brandished at her.
Greensill has a “clear case” for recusal of a judge poised to hear cases over its $1.7 billion collapse, who previously acted as senior counsel for insurer Marsh in a satellite dispute.
Ahead of an eight-week trial in an investor class action in July, ratings agency S&P has lost its bid to throw out the entirety of the expert evidence in the case.
Former NAB superannuation fund trustee NULIS is seeking the first ever award of indemnity costs in a class action that flopped following the rejection of a settlement offer.