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Pitcher Partners can’t escape $5.6M judgment over concealed accounting botch job
Appeals 2019-07-23 1:23 pm By Christine Caulfield

Pitcher Partners has lost it challenge to a ruling socking it with a $5.6 million bill for an accounting error concealed from client Neville’s Bus Service, with an appeals court saying there was a “clear and principled basis” to require the accounting firm to pay the sum awarded for loss and damage to the transport company.

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APRA calls for changes to executive pay to curb misconduct
Financial Services 2019-07-23 12:55 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Certain executives of Australian companies might have to wait seven years to have their bonuses paid out under proposed changes to executive remuneration introduced by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority designed to limit the risk of misconduct and align executive pay with long-term performance.

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Judge urges Grant Thornton to consider Chinese wall in KPMG class action settlement
Class Actions 2019-07-22 10:10 pm By Amelia Birnie

The settlement of the Discovery Metals investor class action against KPMG has experienced another setback, after scheme administrator Grant Thornton flagged a potential conflict of interest in acting as a costs contradictor over Piper Alderman’s controversial $3.5 million legal bill.

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Blue Sky settles case against former directors over alleged raid on database
Financial Services 2019-07-22 3:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

Blue Sky Alternative Investments has reached a confidential settlement of its case against three former directors and two investment firms over an alleged raid on the fund manager’s confidential database.

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Fitch settles investor class action over credit ratings on toxic SCDOs
Exclusive 2019-07-19 10:56 am By Christine Caulfield

Fitch Ratings has agreed to settle the last of the investor class actions in Australia flowing from the global financial crisis, a court heard Friday.

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ASIC wants ban on unsolicited insurance sales calls
Insurance 2019-07-18 4:03 pm By Amelia Birnie

The corporate watchdog has proposed a complete ban on unsolicited telephone sales of life insurance and consumer credit insurance, as an urgent placeholder ahead of wider reforms recommended after last year’s banking royal commission.

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Liquidator admits ‘significant deficiencies’ and agrees to 10-year ban
Restructuring & Insolvency 2019-07-17 10:07 pm By Miklos Bolza

Veritas Advisory liquidator David Iannuzzi has admitted to “quite significant deficiencies” in his conduct as a liquidator and agreed to a 10-year ban from serving as an insolvency practitioner.

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APRA to get new super powers to crack down on rogue funds
Financial Services 2019-07-17 7:09 pm By Amelia Birnie

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will be given a raft of new disqualification powers over inappropriate directors and senior executives, after a report criticised the financial regulator’s preference to engage with regulated entities “behind the scenes”.

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IOOF CFO slams disqualification case as ‘egregious’ example of impulsive enforcement
Financial Services 2019-07-16 5:12 pm By Amelia Birnie

Lawyers for IOOF chief financial officer David Coulter have dismissed APRA’s allegations that he breached his superannuation duties as commercially “naïve”, “absolutely desperate” and a “most egregious example” of impulsive regulatory enforcement action.

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‘Stalinist’ APRA deterring ‘good people’ from super industry, ex-IOOF directors say
Financial Services 2019-07-12 8:08 pm By Amelia Birnie

The former directors of troubled fund manager IOOF have slammed APRA for bringing a “truly hopeless” disqualification case against them, telling a court the prudential regulator’s “Stalinist” approach was deterring “good people and good companies” from participating in the superannuation industry.

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