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ANZ faces shareholder litigation over climate risk management
Financial Services 2023-11-10 2:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

ANZ is facing proceedings by a shareholder who wants the bank to turn over documents related to its risk management systems in response to concerns it is increasing loans to fossil fuel companies and failing to properly address climate change risks.

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HESTA pays fine for misleading performance figures in social media ads
Financial Services 2023-11-10 3:22 pm By Christine Caulfield

Superannuation fund trustee H.E.S.T Australia has paid a $48,600 fine after being slapped with three infringement notices by the corporate regulator over alleged misleading statements in Facebook and Instagram ads.

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AusSuper admits account merger failings in ASIC case
Superannuation 2023-11-08 11:17 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

AustralianSuper has admitted that it contravened superannuation regulations when it failed to merge the accounts of members who had multiple accounts, but says it has remediated affected customers more than $69 million.

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ASIC sues TelstraSuper in first case over dispute resolution rules
Financial Services 2023-11-06 12:40 pm By Sam Matthews

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has filed its first-ever case over internal dispute resolution regulations, targeting Telstra Super over its handling of customer complaints.

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PwC sued for $32M over Pioneer Credit accounting advice
Financial Services 2023-10-31 11:41 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Financial services provider Pioneer Credit has taken auditor PwC to court, claiming $32 million in loss and damages over its advice on how the company should value its financial assets.

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Mawhinney’s defamation case against ASIC put on hold
Defamation 2023-10-31 11:44 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Trial in a defamation suit by Mayfair 101 founder James Mawhinney over a media release issued by ASIC has been pushed off until the outcome of the regulator’s second go against the investment spruiker.

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Paypal can’t patent AI-powered user recommendations, IP Australia says
Intellectual Property 2023-10-30 3:30 pm By Sam Matthews

An IP Australia has knocked back PayPal’s bid to patent an AI-powered model for making purchase or donation recommendations to online shoppers at checkout, rejecting simplistic considerations of AI-related inventions.

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Firms linked to banned businessman face charges after ASIC probe
Financial Services 2023-10-30 11:38 pm By Christine Caulfield

Charges have been laid against two financial services companies associated with investment promoter David Henty Sutton, who was slapped with a lifetime ban by the corporate regulator this year.

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Dixon Advisory director wants to shield law firm’s advice in ASIC case
Restructuring & Insolvency 2023-10-27 1:32 pm By Sam Matthews

Former Dixon Advisory director Paul Ryan will ask the court for a suppression order protecting advice by a Big Six firm, as he defends ASIC’s claim that he failed to consider creditors when executing a deed that affected the company’s ability to recoup a $19 million debt.

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Melissa Caddick’s clients file class action against SMSF auditors
Superannuation 2023-10-27 8:57 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Twenty-four former clients of Melissa Caddick who were defrauded out $24.5 million have filed a class action against the auditors of the self-managed superannuation funds they used to invest their retirement savings with the Sydney fraudster.

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