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Cartel case dropped against director of money transfer biz
Competition & Consumer Protection 2022-09-08 11:05 am By Sam Matthews

The director of a money transfer business accused of fixing foreign exchange rates has been let off the hook after four other people associated with the business entered guilty pleas to six charges of criminal cartel conduct. 

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$1M security for costs ordered in Jabiru Satellite case against major banks
Financial Services 2022-09-08 1:06 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has ordered Australian telecommunications companies Jabiru Satellite and NewSat to pay $1 million in security for costs in a lawsuit against eight major banks alleging they wrongfully withdrew financial support for Australia’s first independently owned satellite.

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‘Magnet for litigation’: Dixon Advisory insurers fight to shield policy info in class action
Insurance 2022-09-07 11:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Two insurers for Dixon Advisory have argued they should not have to disclose policies that could respond to mammoth claims in a class action against the collapsed financial services firm estimated to be worth $278 million and $463 million. 

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Halifax sues King & Wood Mallesons for negligence
Professional Negligence 2022-09-06 11:22 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Defunct stockbroker Halifax Investment Services has sued law firm King & Wood Mallesons and its former auditor Bentleys for allegedly failing to advise that it had to hold client funds used to trade on its online platforms on trust.

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MinterEllison snags leading superannuation lawyer from Herbert Smith Freehills
Financial Services 2022-09-05 11:20 pm By Christine Caulfield

MinterEllison has recruited financial services and superannuation law expert Ruth Stringer to lead the national super practice she established some 20 years ago.

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Latitude Finance fined $1.55M for spam violations
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2022-09-02 1:47 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Latitude Finance has been hit with a $1.55 million penalty by the Australian Communications and Media Authority for breaching the Spam Act on more than 3 million occasions.

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iSignthis auditor Grant Thornton hit with criminal charges
Accounting 2022-09-01 11:23 pm By Sam Matthews

Grant Thornton and former director Bradley Taylor appeared in court Thursday, facing charges of failing to ensure the 2018 audit of fintech firm iSignthis was conducted in accordance with auditing standards.

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Fuji Xerox, EY settle suit over $450M accounting scandal
Accounting 2022-09-01 11:44 pm By Sam Matthews

Fuji Xerox and Ernst & Young have settled a lawsuit over $450 million in alleged accounting irregularities that also ensnared an EY partner and two senior Fuji executives.

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Cornerstone liquidators can sign funding pact for $46M case against PwC
Professional Negligence 2022-08-30 2:00 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has granted the liquidators of Cornerstone Investment Australia leave to sign a funding agreement for the insolvent tertiary education provider’s $56 million professional negligence claim against accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

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AUSTRAC investigates Perth Mint for financial crimes
White Collar 2022-08-30 9:35 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

AUSTRAC has appointed an external auditor to Perth Mint, Australia’s official bullion mint, to assess its compliance with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws.

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