Trial in the battle of the buns has begun, with McDonald’s laying out a case for why its rival’s Big Jack burger infringes its trade mark, and Hungry Jack’s firing back that consumers could not confuse its flame-grilled meal with the iconic Big Mac.
A shareholder class action against a2 Milk has won its bid to include claims under New Zealand law over the dairy company’s disclosures to the New Zealand stock exchange.
A judge has ordered the estate of Giovanna Toppi to pay money owing to a landlord under a $1.1 million loan after refusing to find the iconic Sydney restaurateur was the victim of wrongdoing by her daughter, Paola.
Media company The Economist has failed in its opposition to registration of a trade mark for The Beer Economist, with an IP Australia delegate saying the mark was not substantially identical or deceptively similar to the UK publisher’s brand.
A judge has slammed Dominoâs for its âentirely unsatisfactoryâ opening submissions in an underpayments class action, warning the pizza giant not to hide arguments and evidence up its sleeve.
Infant formula maker Care A2 Plus has launched an attack on A2 Milk, filing a lawsuit arguing the dairy giant’s trade marks should be cancelled because they’re too generic and are being used to sell products that don’t exclusively contain the a2 protein.
A consortium of parmigiano reggiano producers who claim Kraft Foods’ ‘Kraft parmesan cheese’ trade will lead customers to believe the food giant’s cheese is made in Italy have taken their fight to the Federal Court.
Retail Food Group has filed an application to shut down a class action by former franchisees of its Michel’s Patisserie chain who claim to have suffered losses stemming from changes to the franchise giant’s supply chain in 2015 and 2016.
US-based mozzarella giant Leprino Foods has succeeded in removing Canadian dairy company Saputo’s ‘Ascend’ trade mark for non-use.
A consortium of parmigiano reggiano producers has lost its challenge to Kraft Foodsâ ‘Kraft parmesan cheese’ trade mark after an IP Australia delegate found that customers would be âscepticalâ that the product was Italian.