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Who’ll stop the claim: Creedence Clearwater Revival singer shuts down case over festival gig
Arbitration 2024-06-25 11:59 pm By Andy Sidler

A contract dispute between Creedence Clearwater Revival frontman John Fogerty and Country Fest Queensland will be arbitrated in California, after a judge found equivalent claims could not be brought under Queensland law.

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No docs, no Tim Cook: Epic Games assails Apple’s ‘contrived’ defence in trial’s closing arguments
Trials 2024-06-24 11:11 pm By Sam Matthews

Video game maker Epic Games has attacked as “entirely contrived” the defence by Apple in closing submissions in a Federal Court trial of its landmark competition case, pointing to the tech giant’s lack of evidence, including from CEO Tim Cook.

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AMP former head of advice sues publisher of The Australian for defamation
Defamation 2024-06-24 2:23 pm By Cindy Cameronne

AMP’s former head of advice Jack Regan has filed proceedings against the owner of The Australian, Nationwide News, over a story he claims defamed him by alleging he misled ASIC over the charging of fees for no service. 

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On The Run takes aim at PR firm for ‘misleading’ wage theft campaign
Media 2024-06-24 2:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Convenience store chain On The Run has filed proceedings against public relations firm the Civic Partnership, claiming it is liable for misleading or deceptive conduct after an employee allegedly created a campaign aimed to damage the business for an unknown client. 

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Major supermarkets to face up to $10M in penalties for violating grocery code of conduct
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-06-24 11:27 pm By Andy Sidler

The federal government has backed suggestions for changes to the Food and Grocery Code that would slap major grocery stores with fines of up to $10 million for violating the code, amid concerns over rising food prices.

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Sydney barrister wins indemnity costs after $150,000 defamation award
Defamation 2024-06-24 10:26 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Sydney barrister Gina Edwards has been awarded part of her costs in an indemnity basis after securing $150,000 in damages in her defamation case over Channel Nine’s coverage of her battle for custody of famed social media pooch Oscar the cavoodle.

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iSignthis, former boss breached obligations over ASX disclosures, court finds
Fintech 2024-06-21 11:34 pm By Christine Caulfield

A court has found iSignthis and its former CEO Nickolas John Karantzis breached the Corporations Act in disclosures to the stock market about one-off revenue and the termination of the fintech’s business arrangement with Visa.

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Transurban denies West Gate Tunnel project’s top lawyer made protected complaints
Employment 2024-06-21 11:39 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Toll road operator Transurban denies that the former head of legal for its West Gate Tunnel project exercised a workplace right when she complained that there was a “culture of fear and intimidation” on the project’s commercial team and that the team was  suffering from “chaos and dysfunction”.

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Contingency fee order in Arrium class action would remain in force in NSW, AG tells High Court
Class Actions 2024-06-20 11:55 pm By Sam Matthews

The NSW Supreme Court would have the power to deal with a contingency fee order made in a class action against KPMG if the accounting firm won its application to move the case from Victoria, making the existence of the order a neutral factor in the transfer bid, the federal Attorney-General has told the High Court.  

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Mired in interlocutory skirmishes, protracted BHP class action just got more entangled
Class Actions 2024-06-20 11:48 pm By Christine Caulfield

BHP wants to appeal a decision giving a class action the OK to fix what a judge accepted was an “inadvertent mistake” that resulted in a ruling — itself the subject of an appeal — which limited the group member definition.

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