BESIX Watpac and Frasers Property are fighting claims they are liable for defects in two residential complexes in the Sydney suburb of Chippendale, including the $2 billion One Central Park towers.
Lendlease has abandoned its bid to purchase a parcel of land owned by one of Australia’s oldest families for well below market value as part of its project to develop 6,700 homes in Campbelltown, Sydney.
Property developer Investa and The Salvation Army have partnered to develop a $230 million ‘Studio Living’ apartment building in Sydney’s CBD.
A former Star executive agreed to renew the casino’s relationship with a junket with organised crime links despite Star Sydney’s GC warning of suspicious transactions, a court has heard.
A court has granted a rare stay over a judgment debt to the developer of a Taringa Coles shopping centre, finding if final judgment comes down in its favour, financially troubled builder Kenik may not be able to repay the funds.
Real estate funds manager Centuria Capital Group has acquired Logan Super Centre in Brisbane, hosting big ticket tenants including Freedom, Fantastic Furniture, Spotlight and Anconda.
Major developer Stockland has filed proceedings against Probuild Constructions over alleged faulty works completed on a stormwater system in a Rockingham shopping centre.
ASX-listed property investment group Desane has secured a $4.5 million lease extension with the Brisbane City Council.
The Full Court has found insurer Allianz is not liable to indemnify the Uniting Church for historic claims of sexual abuse at exclusive Sydney boys’ private school Knox Grammar.
In deciding an evidentiary dispute in a shareholder class action against building materials giant Boral, a judge has sounded off over the increasing costs of expert evidence produced in group proceedings.