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Clive Palmer takes fight over criminal cases to the High Court
Appeals 2024-02-21 10:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mining giant Clive Palmer has asked the High Court to hear his challenge to a court’s finding that lawsuits he brought challenging two criminal cases against him over a takeover bid and payments to his political party were themselves an abuse of process and should be stayed.

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ACCC faced ‘formidable obstacle’ in fight against ANZ, Suncorp merger
Analysis 2024-02-20 10:30 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The ACCC’s rejection of a $4.9 billion merger between ANZ and Suncorp was hardly surprising given the concentrated nature of the home loans market, but the competition regulator faced an uphill battle in having the decision upheld, an expert says.

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ACCC’s decision blocking $4.9B ANZ, Suncorp merger overturned by competition tribunal
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-02-20 9:56 am By Cindy Cameronne

The ACCC’s decision to block a $4.9 billion merger between ANZ and Suncorp has been set aside, with a tribunal finding the transaction will not substantially lessen competition in the home loans market or for agribusiness and SME clients in Queensland. 

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Mecca Brands used maternity leave to ‘test’ whether marketer’s position could be axed, lawsuit says
Employment 2024-02-20 9:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The former head of brand marketing at cosmetics retailer Mecca Brands has sued the company and its chief marketing officer for allegedly using her maternity leave as a test to see if her position should be made redundant. 

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Producer sues ABC for $290,000 in alleged underpayments
Employment 2024-02-20 9:30 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A senior ABC producer has sued the broadcaster, alleging he’s owed $290,000 in underpayments, including for working an average 70 hours a week on the documentary series ‘Australian Story’.

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‘Air of a Kafka novel’: NAB loses bid to suppress misleading or deceptive conduct case
Financial Services 2024-02-19 3:25 pm By Cindy Cameronne

National Australia Bank has lost its bid to shield a case by a Melbourne gold bullion dealer after a judge said one of the bank’s arguments for suppression had “the air of a Kafka novel”.

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Nature’s Care owners can’t extend injunction against Wu family founders
Corporate 2024-02-19 10:16 pm By Sam Matthews

The current owners of vitamin giant Nature’s Care have lost a bid to extend an urgent injunction against the company’s founding family amid fears they were trying to regain control of the corporate group, with a judge finding the family may faced oppressive conduct themselves.

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Fletcher Building shareholders say knowledge of late class action claims not discoverable earlier
Class Actions 2024-02-19 11:30 pm By Christine Caulfield

Shareholders of New Zealand construction giant Fletcher Building have told a court that late claims in their class action over alleged misleading 2017 profit forecasts are not time barred because knowledge of the allegations was not discoverable before the case was filed.

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Star Entertainment faces second inquiry into Sydney licence
Gaming 2024-02-19 2:48 pm By Sam Matthews

The NSW Independent Casino Commission has announced a second inquiry into embattled casino operator Star, amid concerns about its response to Adam Bell SC’s first inquiry.

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Sushi Bay slammed for ‘calculated’ effort to conceal underpayments
Employment 2024-02-19 10:58 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Fair Work Ombudsman has won its underpayments case against restaurant chain Sushi Bay and its director, with a judge finding the company forced migrant workers to pay back their entitlements in cash in a “calculated and institutional effort” to conceal wrongdoing. 

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