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SARB scores partial win on appeal in Melbourne city parking patent case
Intellectual Property 2024-02-13 11:49 pm By Christine Caulfield

Technology company SARB has partially succeeded in a challenge to a ruling that it infringed a rival’s intellectual property in its development of a parking system used by the City of Melbourne, with an appeals court finding a judge made an error in his reading of the claims of one patent at issue.

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Net emissions from Mount Pleasant mega coal mine project not the point, appeals court told
Energy & Natural Resources 2024-02-12 11:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek wrongly focused on the net effect of approving an application by MACH Energy and Whitehaven Coal to extend two mega coal mines in New South Wales, an advocacy group has told an appeals court.

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Suncorp’s AAI fights for class closure in insurance class action
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-02-12 4:39 pm By Sam Matthews

Suncorp subsidiary AAI has asked a court to order soft class closure in a group proceeding over allegedly worthless insurance, saying it was “passing strange” that over 200,000 group members “don’t know they’re even group members” three years into the case. 

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Ex-Linchpin director hit hardest in ASIC case files appeal
Appeals 2024-02-12 4:01 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former director of collapsed investment advisor Linchpin Capital hit hardest by a judgment disqualifying him and three other directors and levying a combined $390,000 in penalties has filed an appeal.

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PwC accused of ‘hiding behind’ legal privilege to shield Linklaters report
PricewaterhouseCoopers 2024-02-09 10:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

PricewaterhouseCoopers has been slammed for refusing to release a report by law firm Linklaters into alleged wrongdoing by international partners, with a senator saying the firm was “hiding behind” privilege after it made thousands of such claims during an ATO investigation. 

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Third law firm ‘waiting in the wings’ to file class action against IC Markets
Class Actions 2024-02-09 9:05 pm By Sam Matthews

International Capital Markets may soon face a third class action, a court has heard, as the first two class actions to be filed against the Sydney-based online broker over risky contracts for difference mull consolidation. 

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‘Not a suitable vehicle’: Judge rejects bid to knock out Aldi class action
Class Actions 2024-02-09 9:17 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has dismissed Aldi’s bid to have a class action alleging it underpaid Australian workers to the tune of $150 million summarily dismissed, saying the application was “not a suitable vehicle” to determine factual issues including whether a $17 million remediation nullifies the class action’s claims. 

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Block Earner needed financial services licence to offer crypto product, court says
Cryptocurrency 2024-02-09 11:57 pm By Christine Caulfield

Digital currency exchange Block Earner needed a licence to offer its crypto-backed Earner product, a court has found in one of the first decisions on the application of financial services law to crypto investments.

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Judge says settlement offers should operate as bulwark against costs in class actions
Class Actions 2024-02-09 10:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has held that there could be favourable costs consequences for Carnival if its rejected $15 million settlement offer in the Ruby Princess class action turns out to be more generous than the ultimate damages award, departing from a previous ruling that so-called Calderbank offers do not operate in group proceedings. 

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Freight operators have a cow over port direction holding up vessel with $5.2M in cattle
Agriculture 2024-02-09 9:06 pm By Sam Matthews

Two marine freight companies have lost a fight with a local council which refused to allow it to unload 3,000 head of cattle at Apollo Bay in Victoria, with a judge finding they were “the architects of their own misfortune” for striking a deal with a beef company before securing permission to berth at the port. 

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