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Mercedes-Benz hit with competing class action over emissions testing
Class Actions 2024-02-05 10:29 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Mercedes-Benz has been hit with a competing class action over alleged defeat devices designed to cheat on diesel emissions tests, over a year after the first class action was filed.

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Class action investigation targets Magnis Energy, auditor Hall Chadwick
Securities 2024-02-05 4:42 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A law firm is investigating an shareholder class action against lithium battery producer Magnis Energy Technologies and auditor Hall Chadwick after its share price plummeted to four cents late last year.  

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Lawsuit accuses PwC of denying ex-partner retirement payments over leaks crisis
Tax 2024-02-02 5:36 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former PricewaterhouseCoopers partner has sued the firm for denying him retirement payments for moving to alleged competitor DLA Piper and for his alleged involvement in the firm’s tax leaks crisis.

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Cattle exporter Wellard settles shareholder class action for $23M
Class Actions 2024-02-02 3:01 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A shareholder class action against livestock exporter Wellard over a profit downgrade following its $300 million initial public offering in 2015 has settled for $23 million. 

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Ralan exec to do jail time after pleading guilty to fraud over $251M loans
White Collar 2024-02-02 5:51 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The former managing director of property developer Ralan Group has been sentenced to four years immediate imprisonment after pleading guilty to six fraud offences over loans the defunct group took out to fund several projects in Sydney.

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Ashurst poaches real estate lawyer from KWM
Business of Law 2024-02-02 2:56 pm By Sam Matthews

Ashurst has bolstered its Sydney real estate practice with the appointment of a new partner, who joins from King & Wood Mallesons. 

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SkyCity settles with AUSTRAC, puts aside $73M for penalty
Gaming 2024-02-01 4:57 pm By Cindy Cameronne

SkyCity has reached an agreement with AUSTRAC in proceedings alleging it allowed $4 billion in suspicious transactions, setting aside $73 million to cover penalty and costs.

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‘Very large indeed’: DePuy class action settlement administration costs top $13M
Class Actions 2024-02-01 5:43 pm By Sam Matthews

A judge has signed off on a bill that brings the total settlement administration costs in a class action against Johnson & Johnson unit De Puy to over $13 million, amid a push by some judges to open the settlement administration gig up to competition.

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COVID-19 aged care class actions put on ice pending criminal trials
Class Actions 2024-02-01 3:40 pm By Sam Matthews

Still in the dark about insurance coverage and seeking to stem the flow of cash, two class actions against Heritage Care and St Basil’s over COVID-19 outbreaks have been shelved pending the outcome of criminal cases against the Victorian aged care providers, in a decision the judge said “wouldn’t gladden the hearts of group members”. 

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Boral shareholders can run ‘novel’ case on loss in disclosure class action
Class Actions 2024-02-01 5:26 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Construction giant Boral has lost its bid to block a class action from running a ‘novel’ argument that shareholders suffered loss because of natural fluctuations in share price, rather than as a direct result of alleged continuous disclosure breaches. 

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