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eSafety Commissioner slaps X with $600,000 fine
Social Media 2023-10-16 11:18 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The regulator for online safety has issued X with a $610,500 infringement notice for failing to answer questions on how it addresses child sexual exploitation material on its platform.

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Payroll services provider PayMe loses challenge to Paymend trade mark
Intellectual Property 2023-10-16 10:24 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Payroll services provider PayMe Australia has lost its opposition to fintech Paymend’s bid to trade mark its name, with an IP Australia delegate finding the marks are not substantially identical. 

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High Court to weigh in on disclaimer in Advanta Seeds class action
High Court 2023-10-13 4:42 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

The High Court has granted special leave to farmers in a class action against Advanta Seeds over allegedly contaminated product to challenge a court’s finding that a disclaimer nullified the company’s duty to protect growers against economic loss.

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Bondholders class action faced obstacles, but proving climate risk not one of them: judge
Class Actions 2023-10-13 11:53 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A judge who signed off on a settlement in a class action against the  government by sovereign bondholders over the disclosure of climate risks said proving climate change posed a risk to government coffers may not be as difficult as the government has claimed.

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Full Court shoots down ‘misconceived’ bid to undermine Fair Work class actions
Employment 2023-10-12 4:51 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has declined a union’s bid to throw out an employee class action against McDonald’s after the Full Federal Court confirmed that employee class actions are not precluded by the Fair Work Act. 

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Experience trumps funding model in Jaguar Land Rover beauty parade
Class Actions 2023-10-12 12:29 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A judge has awarded carriage of a class action against Jaguar Land Rover over allegedly defective diesel filters to a law firm that won a similar case against another car maker, saying the firm’s experience was not a “neutral factor”.

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Competing Qantas class action on the cards, court urges firms to avoid fight
Competition & Consumer Protection 2023-10-12 10:59 am By Cindy Cameronne

A second law firm is likely to throw its hat in the ring to run a competing class action against Qantas over flight cancellations in the COVID-19 pandemic, but a judge has made orders trying to side-step a carriage fight, criticising them as “wasteful and expensive”. 

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Competition class action against AGL Energy in doubt after funder exits
Energy & Natural Resources 2023-10-12 11:26 pm By Sam Matthews

The future of a competition class action against AGL Energy is in doubt after being abandoned by its funder, despite evading the energy supplier’s bid to dismiss the case.

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Legal challenge to Mount Pleasant coal mine extension fails
Environment 2023-10-11 2:54 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A decision by federal environment minister Tanya Pibersek to greenlight the extension of two mega coal mines in NSW was “legally open” to her, a judge has ruled, despite acknowledging the “existential threat” of climate change. 

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ASIC seeks urgent orders barring payday lenders from enforcing ‘harmful’ loan contracts
Financial Services 2023-10-11 4:00 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is seeking to restrain payday lenders Cigno and BSF Solutions from enforcing loan fees against 10,000 customers.

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