The makers of Grand Theft Auto have largely succeeded in a copyright case against the developer behind the “Infamous Mod” — a hack that alters the capabilities of players in the online version of the top-selling game.
The developers of a Brunswick Heads housing estate have the OK to raise a new defence to injunctions sought by an environmental group.
The Senate has waved through a component of the Albanese government’s plans to support the green energy transition, approving tax credits for clean energy and critical minerals production.
A Sydney premium property developer has been slapped with a freezing order that prohibits it from disposing of assets over $10.6 million as it faces a defects suit from the owners corporation of a Milsons Point tower.
The High Court has agreed to weigh in on when uncommon use of land amounts to a nuisance in a class action by small business owners over Sydney’s light rail construction.
Real estate fund manager Charter Hall has paid $47 million to purchase a Clinipath Pathology lab in Perth, bolstering its social infrastructure investment trust.
A class action has been filed against a NSW luxury developer and a local council by property owners alleging the land selected for a 683-lot project was unfit for residential development.
Consumer goods giant Clorox has agreed to a $8.25 million penalty for representing to consumers that certain GLAD garbage bags were sourced from plastic fished from the ocean.
British banking giant HSBC could face a new claim in ASIC proceedings alleging it failed to adequately protect customers from scams, a court has heard.
Dovetail’s legal counsel has accused the start-upâs boss of sexually assaulting her during a coercive relationship and claims the head of HR failed to support her and advised ânot to shit where you eatâ.