An intellectual property firm has lost its legal challenge to Apple’s bid to patent its method of authentication on electronic devices, including smartphones.
Commercial tenants of Quest Docklandās Bourke Street apartment complex have filed proceedings against 45 landlords, claiming their requests for rent relief during the COVID-19 pandemic were ignored.Ā
An Australian fashion designer has asked the High Court to overturn a Full Court win for singer Katy Perry in a long-running trade mark dispute, saying the court’s findings āwrongly privilege the powerful and famous over ordinary tradersā.
Hino Motors has agreed to pay $87 million to settle a consumer class action alleging it misrepresented that its vehicles met Australian emissions and road standards over a 20-year period.
The Full Court has rejected wealth guru Dominique Grubisa’s argument that a judge who slapped her and her company with a $6 million penalty wrongly confused the ordinary consumer with āthe most ignorantā.
Women who were allegedly injured by defective pelvic mesh implants can apply to set aside two approved settlements against Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific worth $405 million.
Two Super Retail Group executives’ claims that they were unfairly sacked for making whistleblower complaints will go to trial after they lost their bid to enforce an alleged settlement.
A judge has approved a $56 million settlement in a class action alleging Monash IVF destroyed potentially viable embryos, including a $10.6 million payout for the firm that ran the case.
Real estate company Flemington Properties has won $5 million from Ausgrid in a commercial rent dispute, with a judge finding the state corporation was effectively asking the court to rewrite the partiesā agreement.
The owners of the Werribee shopping centre in Victoria have lost their bid for preliminary discovery related to the likely recovery in their $356 million claim against builder Probuild.Ā