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IOOF unit settles ASIC’s cybersecurity test case
Privacy & Cybersecurity 2022-04-20 12:48 pm By Sam Matthews

IOOF unit RI Advice has agreed to settle novel proceedings brought by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission claiming it failed to protect its clients against cybersecurity risks.

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Judge baulks at funder’s 70% commission for case over NewSat collapse
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-04-19 3:05 pm By Cindy Cameronne

NewSat investor Rockgold Holdings has lost its bid to appoint a special purpose liquidator to run a lawsuit against eight major banks after a judge found its proposed 70 per cent funding fee “wholly disproportionate”.

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High Court refuses leave to class action in GST case against developer
Class Actions 2022-04-19 6:59 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The High Court won’t hear a challenge to a decision finding a Canberra property developer that misled investors about GST on its apartments did not have to pay for losses alleged in a class action against it.

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Melissa Caddick’s unemployed husband stakes claim to homes, cars
Restructuring & Insolvency 2022-04-19 5:19 pm By Sam Matthews

The husband of Sydney conwoman Melissa Caddick has staked his claim to a share of his late wife’s estate, and asked the court to deliver up a bundle of property, including Caddick’s Gucci wedding dress.

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Another aggrieved partner takes HWL Ebsworth boss to court
Business of Law 2022-04-19 5:06 pm By Christine Caulfield

HWL Ebsworth managing partner Juan Martinez is yet again the target of a lawsuit, the latest claiming he committed a “fundamental breach” by locking a capital partner out of the office and withholding profits after the partner gave notice.

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Commissioner with frequent flyer card won’t recuse himself from Virgin vaccine challenge
Employment 2022-04-19 1:03 pm By Sam Matthews

Fair Work Commissioner Nick Wilson has dismissed a recusal bid by nine former Virgin employees who argued his frequent flyer membership with the airline meant he was unable to hear their cases.

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ASIC suspends Dixon Advisory’s financial services licence
Financial Services 2022-04-19 1:24 pm By Sam Matthews

In yet another blow for the embattled wealth manager, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission has suspended Dixon Advisory’s financial services licence.

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Judge erred in finding AI can be patent inventor, Full Court says
Intellectual Property 2022-04-14 3:39 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Full Court has overturned a landmark judgment which found artificial intelligence can be named as an inventor on patent applications, in a decision which brings Australia in line with findings from courts in the UK, US and EU.

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Virgin CEO accused of ‘bullying and harassment’ in lawsuit by ex-chief pilot
Employment 2022-04-14 3:46 pm By Cindy Cameronne

A former chief pilot at Virgin Australia has filed a lawsuit claiming the airline sacked him after he made complaints and filed Fair Work Commission proceedings alleging Virgin’s chief executive officer repeatedly bullied and harassed him.

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Aurizon wins share capital dispute over $4.4B loan during 2010 float
Tax 2022-04-13 3:09 pm By Miklos Bolza

Rail freight operator Aurizon has triumphed in a tax dispute with the ATO, with a court finding that credit for a $4.4 billion loan by the Queensland government made during an initial public offering in 2010 was share capital despite no shares being issued to the state government.

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