The ACCC has approved accounting software provider MYOB’s acquisition of cloud practice management software provider GreatSoft, reversing its earlier position that the deal could harm competition because the South Africa-based company had the potential to become a strong competitor to MYOB as more accounting firms migrate to the cloud.
Administrators appointed to the Australian arm of supply-chain finance firm Greensill Capital are recommending that creditors, which are owed in excess of $1.75 billion, vote to wind up the company.
The High Court has denied special leave to a group of Queensland taxi drivers seeking compensation from the state for losses allegedly caused by ride sharing services like Uber, in a lawsuit a judge described as “fanciful”.
Telstra has failed in its appeal to the High Court to hear its battle with Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane over the planned upgrade of its payphone network across Australia.
A judge has slapped a 4WD rental company that made “harsh and unjustified threats” against customers who challenged its decision to retain their security deposits with a $1.2 million fine.
Insurance giant QBE Insurance Australia has launched a COVID-19 business interruption test case in the Federal Court, following a landmark loss for insurers in the NSW Court of Appeal that could cost them $10 billion.
English indie band The xx has lost its bid to block an Australian sunglasses company co-founded by former AFL player Tom Sheridan from registering its ‘xx’ trade mark, with a delegate from the Trade Marks OfficeĀ finding the band’s reputation did not extend to clothing or eyewear.
Victoria’s gaming regulator may seek to block access by a shareholder class action against Crown Resorts to transcripts of interviews with Crown employees about a Chinese gambling crackdown that resulted in the jailing of 19 employees in 2016.
Hannover Life Re of Australasia has launch a courtroom challenge to a decision by the Australian Taxation Office which rejected $12 million in input tax credits it claimed from overheads and a distribution agreement entered into with Real Insurance.
Supermarket giant Woolworths can recoup losses from a 2014 train derailment in South Australia despite a contractual clause excluding force majeure events, the NSW Supreme Court has found.