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Race car driver Max Twigg appeals ruling he misappropriated $100M from family trust fund
Sports 2021-02-02 2:52 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

Race car driver and former owner of the famed Byron Bay Hotel, Max Twigg, has launched an appeal of a ruling that he misappropriated around $100 million in family trust money and took steps to conceal the transfer of funds from his mother.

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Monster Energy challenges loss of ‘Motherland’ trade mark
Intellectual Property 2021-02-02 2:34 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Monster Energy, which makes Mother brand energy drinks, has appealed a ruling from IP Australia that granted rival caffeinated beverage maker Vittoria Food & Beverage’s application for the removal of Monster’s ‘Motherland’ trade mark for non-use.

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ATO secures $138M settlement with Isreal Discount Bank in Binetter family tax fraud case
Tax 2021-02-01 10:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

The Australian Taxation Office has reached a $138 million settlement in proceedings against Israel Discount Bank, the last remaining defendant in a long-running case over an alleged international tax evasion scheme involving the Binetter family, founders of Nudie Juice.

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Judge was wrong to ignore pelvic mesh doctors, J&J says in high-stakes appeal
Appeals 2021-02-01 6:53 pm By Miklos Bolza

The judge who found J&J’s pelvic mesh implants defective in a high stakes class action ruling mde a “pervasive error” in disregarding the knowledge and views of the applicants’ doctors, an appeals court has heard.Ā 

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Computer-implemented invention fails again to pass patent test
Intellectual Property 2021-02-01 3:35 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

The Federal Court has once again sided with the Commissioner of Patents in a challenge to a ruling that patents for a computer-implemented invention did not describe a manner of manufacture and should be revoked.

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AMA Group’s Andrew Hopkins steps down as CEO, drops court action
Employment 2021-02-01 11:01 am By Spencer Fowler Steen

Andrew Hopkins has resigned from his position as group CEO of automotive repair firm AMA and has discontinued his lawsuit against the company despite a Federal Court injunction barring his dismissal amid allegations of fraud.

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Concerns about courts wading into funding commission rates ‘exaggerated’, judge says
Class Actions 2021-01-29 10:08 pm By Christine Caulfield

Concerns behind criticism that courts aren’t equipped to assess a class action funder’s commission are exaggerated, and the fixing by judges of reasonable remuneration, at least in other cases, is nothing new, a Federal Court judge has said.

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ASIC secures court order to wind up Mayfair 101 unit
Restructuring & Insolvency 2021-01-29 10:07 pm By Christine Caulfield

A judge has ordered the winding up of M101 Nominees, the issuer of $67 million in notes promoted by James Mawhinney’s failed Mayfair 101, which is alleged to owe investors over $211 million.

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Woolworths to pay $44.5M to settle shareholder class action
Class Actions 2021-01-29 4:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

A $100 million shareholder class action against supermarket giant Woolworths has settled for $44.5 million, a few days before a 15-day trial was set to begin.

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High Court set to deliver judgment in Westpac’s appeal of personal advice ruling
High Court 2021-01-29 3:49 pm By Miklos Bolza

The High Court will hand down its ruling Wednesday in a high-stakes case between ASIC and Westpac that is expected to clarify the line between personal and general financial advice.

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