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Rugby player Israel Folau escapes gay discrimination complaint
Sports 2020-11-18 7:24 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A tribunal has rejected a gay discrimination complaint made by anti-discrimination activist Garry Burns against Rugby League player Israel Folau due to the “egregious” nature of Burns’ conduct.

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EnergyAustralia must pay $1.5M for disconnecting vulnerable customers
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-11-18 6:59 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

EnergyAustralia will cough up $1.5 million in penalties for wrongfully disconnecting eight customers facing serious financial hardship.

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FWC arbitration doesn’t doom union’s lawsuit against Airservices
Employment 2020-11-18 5:28 pm By Miklos Bolza

A court has ruled that an arbitration proceeding before the Fair Work Commission does not doom a Federal Court lawsuit brought by the civilian air traffic controllers union against government-owned Airservices.

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Santos lawsuit against Fluor over gas project rests on ‘shaky assumption’, appeals court says
Energy & Natural Resources 2020-11-18 4:11 pm By Miklos Bolza

An appeals court has shot down oil and gas giant Santos’ bid for expanded discovery against engineering company Fluor, finding that the application was “akin to a fishing expedition” that was based on “a shaky assumption” by lawyers from Corrs Chambers Westgarth.

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Five law firms to spar over liability in $15M Dover Financial negligence case
Financial Services 2020-11-18 12:59 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Two more law firms have been joined to a lawsuit by defunct financial advisor Dover Financial accusing three law firms of providing negligent advice regarding an inaptly titled client protection policy which a judge found was “highly misleading” and “an exercise in Orwellian doublespeak”.

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Epic Games takes competition battle with Apple to Australia
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-11-17 11:12 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Epic Games, maker of the popular Fortnite game, has taken its courtroom battle with Apple to Australia, hitting the tech giant with a lawsuit for allegedly abusing its market power.

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Former BitConnect promoter hit with charges over alleged cryptocurrency scam
Financial Services 2020-11-17 7:33 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

Former BitConnect promoter John Bigatton has been charged with a raft of cryptocurrency-related offences, including operating an unregistered managed investment scheme and making false or misleading statements to investors.

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ATO loses landmark case over GST gold scam
Tax 2020-11-17 7:15 pm By Miklos Bolza

The Australian Taxation Office has been blocked from indirectly recouping GST lost in a major tax scam by allegedly crooked gold traders with the Full Federal Court finding a $208 million demand sent to a defunct gold refiner had incorrectly interpreted the GST Act.

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Self-repped Qantas worker deserves ‘liberal and lenient’ treatment, judge says
Employment 2020-11-17 3:48 pm By Spencer Fowler Steen

A judge has declined to throw out a lawsuit brought against Qantas by a self-represented worker who was stood down, saying a “liberal and lenient” approach was needed.

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Thiess loses appeal in unpaid wages class action
Class Actions 2020-11-17 12:42 pm By Miklos Bolza

Mining services company Thiess has lost its challenge to a class action ruling which found the company had underpaid workers for time spent on the bus travelling home from a Pilbara-based liquefied natural gas processing plant owned by Woodside Energy.

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