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Finance experts recruited to advise ‘complex’ $17M tax fraud, police say
Tax 2020-07-22 9:04 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Federal police have charged 12 members of an alleged sophisticated criminal syndicate, including construction industry figure George Alex, which authorities say enlisted the help of financial industry experts and former bankers to pull off a $17 million fraud.

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CBA unit admits to misleading calls in ASIC case over MySuper accounts
Financial Services 2020-07-22 4:13 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Commonwealth Bank’s wealth management unit Colonial First State has admitted misleading conduct in certain calls to superannuation members, but has otherwise denied claims by the corporate watchdog that it misled over 12,000 fund members during the transition to MySuper accounts.

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Uber fails in second bid to put brakes on taxi driver class action
Class Actions 2020-07-22 3:42 pm By Alison Eveleigh

Uber has lost its latest challenge to a landmark class action that alleges the ride-sharing giant engaged in a conspiracy to steal business from taxi and limousine drivers across four states, with an appeals court dismissing arguments the case failed to properly allege an intent to harm.

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ASIC won’t appeal Westpac responsible lending case to High Court
Financial Services 2020-07-22 2:56 pm By Christine Caulfield

ASIC has dropped its fight with Westpac over the bank’s financial assessment of home loan borrowers following political pressure, citing the “challenging economic circumstances”.

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Ashurst partner hit with indemnity costs in Point Piper property feud
Real Estate 2020-07-22 10:26 am By Christine Caulfield

An Ashurst partner in a long-running stoush with his former Family Court judge neighbour over a property in the harbourfront Sydney suburb of Point Piper has been hit with indemnity costs for “unreasonably” pushing his case.

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‘Not a single note’: ACCC accused of avoiding disclosure in ANZ cartel case
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-21 11:18 pm By Miklos Bolza

The ACCC’s investigatory techniques have come under fire during a hearing over an alleged criminal cartel agreement between ANZ and two investment banks, with a barrister for one of the banks suggesting investigators from the regulator deliberately did not take notes during hundreds of days of witness interviews to avoid disclosure.

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Ardent Leisure hit with charges over Dreamworld deaths
White Collar 2020-07-21 12:58 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

Ardent Leisure, which operates the Dreamworld theme park in Queensland, has been hit with three charges over four deaths that occurred at the theme park in 2016 following a ride malfunction.

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IP Australia appeals loss in Aristocrat gaming methods patent case
Aristocrat Technologies 2020-07-21 10:41 am By Cat Fredenburgh

IP Australia has appealed a judge’s decision to allow four Aristocrat gaming patents to proceed to grant, hoping for another victory after winning two high stakes challenges to software patents before the Full Federal Court.

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ASIC pushes for $15M fine in NAB ‘Introducer’ case, but judge questions scope of investigation
Financial Services 2020-07-20 9:21 pm By Alison Eveleigh

ASIC has called for a $15 million penalty against National Australia Bank over its scandal-ridden ‘Introducer’ loan referral program, but a judge has questioned the “superficial” investigations in the case and remarked on the corporate regulator’s “pattern” of bringing enforcement action after remediation programs were well underway.

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JPMorgan disputed existence of cartel agreement with ANZ, court hears
Competition & Consumer Protection 2020-07-20 8:31 pm By Miklos Bolza

Despite receiving immunity in a criminal cartel case against ANZ and two other investment banks, JPMorgan has disputed the existence of any cartel agreement since the early days of the ACCC’s investigations, a court has heard.

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