An official employed with a local branch of the Finance Sector Union claims he was unfairly dismissed after resisting a union directive to send a delegation to a Victorian Labor party conference held in November at which delegates from the CFMEU staged a walkout.
A Sydney solicitor has won an $84,000 defamation judgment over two “indefensible” online reviews written by a building inspector who threatened to defame the lawyer “again and again”.
AFT Pharmaceuticals is seeking to reopen a lawsuit against Reckitt Benckiser over ads for its painkiller Maxigesic after judgment was delivered in the matter, claiming the judge’s declarations contained an error, an argument slammed by Reckitt as “extraordinary”.
A judge has ruled in favour of live exporters in a class action against the Federal Government, finding a total ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia in 2011 was “capricious and unreasonable”.
Virgin Australia’s administrators have whittled down the list of eligible bidders for the struggling airline to two, with investment firm Bain Capital and private equity investor Cyrus Capital Partners the only potential purchasers allowed to make final offers.
Treasury Wine Estates will seek to shut down a shareholder class action brought by Maurice Blackburn after accusing the law firm of breaching its obligations and using documents from a prior lawsuit against the global wine distributor in the current proceedings.
A court has dismissed a “harsh and draconian” class closure order sought by German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites in a class action against it over allegedly combustible cladding.
Former Dover Financial director Terry McMaster on Monday admitted to personally drafting a so-called client protection policy described by a judge as an “exercise in Orwellian doublespeak”, as the court heard evidence that the defunct financial firm ignored red flags raised by two law firms about the policy.
Australian bookmaker Sportsbet has filed a lawsuit against betting competitor for alleged trade mark infringement and consumer law violations.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said competition by smaller airlines was essential ‘now, more than ever’ as the airline industry undergoes a major upheaval due to the coronavirus and the administration of Virgin Airlines, and vowed to continue its probe of Qantas’ 19.9 per cent stake in Alliance Airlines.