ASX-listed property investment group Desane has secured a $4.5 million lease extension with the Brisbane City Council.
The ACT government has lost its bid for the dismissal of a class action lodged by social housing residents who allege they were unlawfully forced to relocate.
New rules requiring strata managers to disclose conflicts of interests and kickbacks to owners have come into effect in New South Wales.
A developer is on the hook for $2.6 million after a court found he misappropriated a tax refund associated with a scheme to develop property in Spring Farm, NSW and put it towards a luxury Sydney home in his wifeās name.Ā
Law firm Colin Biggers & Paisley has appointed a former Lander & Rogers consultant to lead its property insurance team.
A Sydney premium property developer has been slapped with a freezing order that prohibits it from disposing of assets over $10.6 million as it faces a defects suit from the owners corporation of a Milsons Point tower.
Real estate fund manager Charter Hall has paid $47 million to purchase a Clinipath Pathology lab in Perth, bolstering its social infrastructure investment trust.
A class action has been filed against a NSW luxury developer and a local council by property owners alleging the land selected for a 683-lot project was unfit for residential development.
Defunct Westpac mortgage broker RAMS has reached a settlement in a trade mark stoush with fund manager Real Asset Management.
Commercial property firm DTZ Worldwide has lost its bid for $243 million in damages related to its acquisition of United Group from UGL Limited over United’s alleged failure to disclose that a key contract was āloss-makingā.Ā