The competition cop has given its blessing to Australian Finance Group’s $120 million acquisition of rival Connective Group, after raising concerns the deal could squeeze smaller players out of the mortgage aggregator market.
A judge has ordered WA-based Quantum Housing Group to pay $700,000 and its sole director another $50,000 after finding the company misled investors in the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
A court has dismissed a “harsh and draconian” class closure order sought by German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites in a class action against it over allegedly combustible cladding.
The prefab concrete company dragged into a class action over the ill-fated Opal Tower has launched its own legal volley against the engineering consultant behind the building design.
The former group general counsel of Meriton is suing the property giant and billionaire real estate developer Harry Triguboff for unfair dismissal, claiming he was fired for refusing to lie to the court.
A court has ruled that a litigation funder backing an unsuccessful real estate lawsuit by two broke plaintiffs must cover the legal costs after finding that the funder’s goals in the case were “more to serve its own commercial and financial ends” than to assist its clients.
Mining magnate Clive Palmer has attacked a class action by timeshare owners of the ill-fated Palmer Coolum Resort on two fronts, arguing that a special levy to fund the action breached the Corporations Act and seeking to strike out significant portions of the case.
German cladding manufacturer 3A Composites is pushing forward with a bid to close a class action over allegedly combustible cladding to registered group members, arguing that a recent appeals court decision does not bar class closure in this case.
The settlement sum in three class actions against law firms that allegedly gave negligent advice about property investments in the now-defunct Ralan Group has been suppressed, after the court heard there was a risk of future claims being brought.
An Ashurst partner is at risk of being evicted from his Point Piper home after allegedly refusing to pay a $150,000 special levy.