A judge hearing the Victorian government’s bid to knock out a class action over its decision to retire Melbourne’s high-rise public housing towers has questioned the state’s submission that the decision had “no effect” on the rights of tenants.
Jones Day is growing its domestic financial markets team with the recruitment of a partner from Baker McKenzie and the transfer of a 17-year veteran from the firm’s London office.
A commercial leader at engineering and construction company Laing O’Rourke was unfairly dismissed over false claims he was offensive and aggressive towards Stayz hosts who complained about a late night work party, a judge has found.
Sydney lender GEMI may face a class action for allegedly enticing wealthy individuals to make investments in products they were misled into believing were low risk.
A court has dismissed a bid to temporarily halt the demolition of three public housing towers in inner city Melbourne as a class action pursues the Victorian government over its decision to redevelop the sites.
Johnson Winter Slattery has snagged a special counsel from Corrs Chambers Westgarth to meet heightened demand for advice on climate change, sustainability and ESG issues.
The owner of realestate.com.au has dropped its plan to acquire a national forms platform used by real estate agents, after the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission commenced a review of the deal off its own bat and raised competition concerns.
Investors in an apartment development in Melbourne have brought a class action against the responsible managers for two managed investment schemes, alleging their funds were misused.
A client of EY has sued a former partner at the firm, accusing them of collecting $700,000 in secret payments as part of a tax loss scheme.
A judge has refused to add 27 new plaintiffs to a quasi group proceeding against a Canberra developer brought in the ACT, where class actions are not permitted, saying the law firm running the case must first gets its “pleading house in order”.