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AFL merch maker wins trade mark suit against US company Fanatics
Intellectual Property 2024-07-18 10:02 pm By Sam Matthews

AFL merchandise maker FanFirm has won a trade mark case against US sports merchandise giant Fanatics, with a judge finding it knew about the Australian company’s ‘Fanatics’ trade marks when it chose its corporate name.

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Super Retail Group brings legal action against employment lawyers, media strategist
Employment 2024-07-12 11:39 pm By Christine Caulfield

Rebel Sports owner Super Retail Group has filed court action against solicitors at Harmers Workplace Lawyers and the employment firm’s external media strategist, after revealing it faced a potential $50 million lawsuit by the firm on behalf of the retailer’s employees.

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The Good Guys promotions not so good for consumers, ACCC claims
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-07-11 10:55 pm By Cindy Cameronne

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has brought proceedings against retailer The Good Guys, alleging it made misleading statements about store credit.Ā 

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Ashurst, LegalVision sued over Woolworths lease transfer advice
Real Estate 2024-07-05 11:03 pm By Cat Fredenburgh

A unit of petrol store chain EG Australia has sued Ashurst and LegalVision alleging they breached their implied duty of care through advice given to Woolworths about the assignment of a disputed Sydney petrol station lease.

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Class action investigation targets OTR Group’s Smokemart & Giftbox chain
Class Actions 2024-07-05 11:53 pm By Christine Caulfield

OTR Group’s network of Smokemart and Giftbox stores face a potential class action that would allege the chains breached employment laws by depriving workers of breaks during shifts.

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Noni B owner defends ACCC claims, blames COVID-19 for delivery delays
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-07-05 1:51 pm By Sam Matthews

Fashion retailer Mosaic Brands has denied claims by the consumer cop that it failed to deliver hundreds of thousands of products to customers within advertised time frames, saying the delays were reasonable given COVID-19 and the failures of logistics and delivery partners, including Australia Post.Ā 

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Struggling online retailer Booktopia appoints administrators
Restructuring & Insolvency 2024-07-03 2:33 pm By Sam Matthews

Embattled online bookseller Booktopia and a number of subsidiaries have entered voluntary administration, appointing three partners from McGrathNicol to oversee a possible sale of the business.Ā 

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Sleeping Duck sues to get messages between former employees, rival Eva
Employment 2024-06-26 11:27 pm By Sam Matthews

Melbourne mattress and bedding start-up Sleeping Duck is seeking preliminary discovery of communications between former employees and rival company Eva Sleep, including correspondence allegedly containing financial information and trade secrets.Ā 

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On The Run takes aim at PR firm for ā€˜misleadingā€™ wage theft campaign
Media 2024-06-24 2:10 pm By Cindy Cameronne

Convenience store chain On The Run has filed proceedings against public relations firm the Civic Partnership, claiming it is liable for misleading or deceptive conduct after an employee allegedly created a campaign aimed to damage the business for an unknown client.Ā 

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Major supermarkets to face up to $10M in penalties for violating grocery code of conduct
Competition & Consumer Protection 2024-06-24 11:27 pm By Andy Sidler

The federal government has backed suggestions for changes to the Food and Grocery Code that would slap major grocery stores with fines of up to $10 million for violating the code, amid concerns over rising food prices.

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